Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

How can Game the computer shop fail when the companys so big?

Q. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-2118340/Game-game-retailer-fails-solution.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
The shop Game is well known and computer games and consoles are very popular so how did they fail to make enough money?

A. Size doesn't mean anything.Remember General Motors!!!!!!!

Do you need to go to college or univeristy to be a computer games playtester?
Q. I have a real passion for computer games and I would love to test them out, make them better and make sure there are no bugs. I read up about it on www.planitplus.net but it doesn't give clear information. It would be really appreciated if someone could help! Also I'm from the UK if that helps any..

Do you need to go to college or uni to be a computer games playtester?

A. nope

but it does help when talking with the designer's about the bugs/glitches you find while testing it

which is a huge plus for you

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