Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

What is a good notebook computer for the money?

Q. I want to get my 9 year old son a notebook computer for the holidays. I would like to spend between $200-$300 ( a bit more if it's worth it) Any suggestions on what to get? Or WHAT TO STAY AWAY FROM? I don't know much about these and any help would be much appreciated.

A. What will use be? gaming takes different setup than schoolwork and browsing. higher ram computer can do more at once. higher processor or multiple processors does it faster. memory higher is better. gaming also have to look at video and graphics cards. usb ports more better. cd dvd player burner good for snme. HP and Dell good computers for everday. i have a 7 yr old hp touchpad i got on ebay for 75 bucks. has 1.7 processor 1gb ram and 60gb hard drive. means does most things ok just slowly. wife has 3 yr old hp desktop that is 2.3 quad core 8gb ram and 500gb memory. each core is a processor so it does a lot more a lot faster. Is like a car you can have basic smart car or fast vette. all in what you want to pay.

What is the normal amount of money u pay down for a notebook computer or wat did u pay for ur notebook?
Q. Wat did u pay down for ur notebook computer and how much a month?? Im trying to get a notebook that costs $2,479.00 and as low as $75 a month. But i dont know how much i will be putting down.

A. Well for a gaming computer the price your paying is reasonable, i got a Gateway P FX 173XL for 1,800 with tax included.. (i had to fight to lower the price by 400) if your a DJ or a scientist i guess you would need a pretty pricey computer.

if its just a regular computer for surfing interent your paying WAY too much get a HP they have great ones for 900$

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Do ANY of the Xbox 360 Systems Still Come with Wired Controllers?

Q. I want to be able to play my computer games with the controller, too...

And someone told me that only the wired controllers work.

Which controllers are PC compatible, and which controllers are packaged with the system?

A. You may also use a wireless controller with your computer to play games. You just have to purchase an adapter from Microsoft. I've seen them for maybe $20.

Otherwise Microsoft has been phasing out the wired controllers in the system packages for about 12 months now.

How do computer games compare to those released on PS3 and 360?
Q. I bought a gaming computer with a Gtx 460 and I-5-2500 processor... I currently am wanting to get into computer gaming but was unsure how the graphics would compare to those achieved on playstation and x box. Also besides a gaming mouse what other controllers are needed?

A. Well PC graphics are 1,000x Better, you can get mods that increase the games mechanics and graphics while we are on mods you can get mods to increase the games fun level.

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Help me choose the best parts to build a computer build?

Q. Lately I have been thinking about building a computer rig. I decided to use a forum post to do so.

1. What is the purpose of the computer? (Note: If you are planning to say multimedia, you will have to be more specific as all types of systems are capable of doing that)
Programming. - Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft Office 2012, Compiling, Graphics, Adobe Master's Collection ( Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Fireworks ). Very very little gaming will be done. This rig is not intended to be a gaming rig.

2. Are you open to alternate ideas/products giving similar better performance but offering more VFM / sellers? If not- why?

3. What is your MAX budget?
3000 dollars

4. Planning to overclock?
Maybe. I heard that overclocking on processors wear them down. Don't know if it's good to overclock.

5. Which OS are you planning to use?
Windows 7 Professional

6. How much hard drive space is needed?
2 TB

7. What resolution will the screen run at & whats the size of the screen you want?
If you already want have one and want to use it, mention its resolution and size.
Screen resolution: 2560 x 1440 WQHD, 27 inch

8. How would you rate your hardware knowledge from the count of 1-10? (1 being the lowest, 5 being you are somewhat in sync with the current performers and 10 being the highest)

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Done by an assembler

10. When are you planning to buy the system?
3 week

11. Are you one of the types looking out for "future proof" configurations?

12. Are there going to be any components that you don't want to include in this new rig? If yes, do mention.
i3 and i5 processors

13. Which city do you live in and are you open to buying from shops from other city/states?
USA and want to buy parts in the USA

A. $3000 is beyond overkill for such a machine. However, it sounds like this is a business machine and therefore I suggest you buy a business class workstation from a Tier 1 manufacturer because you don't want to be troubleshooting stuff by yourself while your money-making computer is down. you want to call someone and have them send the replacement part overnight.

If you insist on building, i'd suggest nix327's build from here,3453-3.html

but replace the i3 with an i7-3770 (not the K version since you won't be overclocking) and upgrade the 64GB SSD to the 256GB Samsung 840 in the other build. You'll still be well below $1000 so invest in a nice monitor, maybe one of the 27" 1440p models since I know developers like their real estate space. The onboard GPU in the i7 is more than enough to power that resolution for software development and the occasional flash based game.

How do I add USB ports to a computer?
Q. I'm building a gaming rig and I'm not sure what I need to have USB ports on my computer. Are they built into the motherboard somehow? Do I need to buy some USB compenent type thing, somewhat like a memory card reader?

A. Theres a couple ways you can add USB slots to your computer. First check the USB headers on your motherboard, often times it supports a great deal more then is default in your case (check the manual for this, they will be small groupings of 8-9 pins in 2 rows). You can get a usb jack that can attach to these headers in the same fashion as attaching the case's front usb ports.
These often take the place of a 3.5" (floppy/hard drive) or 5.25" (cd drive) slot in the case.

Another one is a PCI or PCI-E add-on USB card. These are usually pretty cheap (5-15 dollars) and some come with internal USB headers as well allowing you to expand further.

Examples below are just the first ones that popped up on a search.

Front Panel w/ USB -

USB add on PCI-E 1x -

USB add on PCI -

Hope that helps

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Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

What should I be looking for in a gaming computer?

Q. I am trying to find a relatively inexpensive laptop that I can use for playing computer games, mostly World of Warcraft, and I am wondering what I should be looking for in a computer like how much RAM, what kind of video card, what kind of processor, how much total hard drive space, etc. that will make me not lag a lot. I know that laptops aren't as good as desktops but I specifically want a laptop so I can take it places.

A. You need at least 512 MB Video RAM and 512 MB Graphics Memory if possible (although some GPUs do not have them, they are memory intensive, thus you'd need more RAM than Graphics Memory, but its best to have 512 MB of the RAM you already have and lock the CPU out of it to reserve it for the GPU or they'll be fighting over it, possibly causing a crash). The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) plays a big role and today its the clash of the two GPU titans Nvidia and ATI at the moment, so its best to choose from their biggest models and is best to get at least 512 memory off the GPU and CPU together at least, but you'll need a good CPU as well, you can try intel and/or AMD cores as they are quite cool. I'd recommend a quad-core and for gaming a 64-bit motherboard processing path and CPU. I recommend a DirectX 10 enabled GPU as well. It's best to have at least 2GB to 4GB RAM on modern day PCs and a 2 GHZ to 4 GHZ processor, ideally the ultimate PC would have 12GB RAM and a 40 GHZ processor, though that may blow the fans and melt through the heat sink's alloy itself, so we'll wait until the better processors, too big for a laptop though.
I'd recommend a dual 320 GB drive but ideally a 240 GB drive, like I have on one of mine (although its processor is not ideal).
Quad cores work well with 64-bit processors, thanks to server core technology by Microsoft's Windows Server technology as well as IBM systems. Perfectly also, you would need a WiFi and possibly bluetooth link and for enhanced game community interaction a built in webcam and microphone. That bunch would cost you about $1000 to $5000.
Just in case you don't understand a few terms I have entered, starting with clock speed:
HZ - or sometimes hz or even Hz stands for Hertz (pronounced heights or hurts) refers to the speed of how fast the clock speed of the processor works at a one period speed. 1 periods a second.
KHZ - or sometimes Khz stands for Kilo Hertz (pronounced killer heights) refers to the speed of how fast the clock speed of the processor works at a Kilo speed. 1,000 periods a second.
MHZ - or sometimes Mhz stands for Mega Hertz (pronounced meg-a heights) refers to the speed of how fast the clock speed of the processor works at a Mega speed. 1,000,000 periods a second.
GHZ - or sometimes Ghz stands for Giga Hertz (pronounced gig-a heights) refers to the speed of how fast the clock speed of the processor works at a Giga speed, which is 1000 MHZ. 1,000,000,000,000 periods a second.
THZ - or sometimes Thz stands for Tera Hertz (pronounced ter-a heights) refers to the speed of how fast the clock speed of the processor works at a Tera speed, which is 1000 GHZ, a future use of larger processors. 1,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 periods a second.
There are higher rates but these are most common in computers.
RAM is used to store currently running (executed) address codes and even full programs and their holding process.
The CPU is directly connected to the RAM to hosts the execution threads.
The GPU is directly connected to the motherboard but indirectly to the CPU and RAM, but some motherboards let it access the RAM seperate to the CPU for hardware acceleration.
CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory.
I hope you understand this, anymore questions you can e-mail me via my profile.
CybX Systems.

How much time does the average teenager play video games everyday?
Q. Example: Computer games such as World of Warcraft, Runes of Magic, and Miniclips.

A. The Average (Mean) of all Video Gamers Between the Ages 12-18 is (4.65) Hours everyday.

This is just the Average of about 95% of all Teens because not every teen plays video games.

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Does Runescape cause any harm or add spyware or viruses to your computer?

Q. My mom will not allow me to play runescape and i just got a new acer Gaming computer and i asked to play it and she said that it screws the computer up, help please.

A. No Runescape is a safe site, unless your an idiot and click the ads at the top that say "Your the 1,000,000 Visitor, Claim your prize!!!"

Most browsers today make any site safe as long as you don't click on ads or download things. As long as you are going to good sites, you will be safe, and Runescape is a safe site, trust me, I've had an account a long time.

What can i buy or do to make my computer faster?
Q. Ther is also this game (runescape) that has updated it's graphics and now it loads up very slow and is very slow when running

what can i do or buy?

A. Check
With pc optimizer pro you can safely clean, repair and optimize your computer.
It will help improve your system performance without expensive hardware upgrades.

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What are the best computer flight-simulator games?

Q. I'm a big fan of GTA3 and a few computer games such as The Movies, and The Sims 2. Recently, I recalled myself wanting a flight simulator game a few years back. I'm not interrested in WW2 or war/combat games, but I wanted to know what are the best, most realistic flying games on the market today?

A. 1. "Microsoft Flight Simulator X"

Create your own routes, fly across the world, and make your own airplanes. The gameplay of "Microsoft Flight Simulator" can be extended through downloading plane skins and buying add-ons made by third party developers. With each new version, new aircraft and cities are added. This time around Microsoft does something a little different and added mission-based play. "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" comes in the standard and deluxe. Buy the deluxe version if you can afford it. It comes with more cities, airplanes, and airports.

Buy it at:
2. "IL-2 Sturmovik"

"IL-2 Sturmovik" is a WWII combat flight simulator. If you are looking for a combat flight simulator, look no further. This game has awesome features. There is an excellent mission builder, multi-player features (up to 32 players in dogfight mode), and stunning graphics. The combat takes place in the air, and from the air to the ground. Anyone interested in war and/or flight will enjoy this one.

Buy it at:
3. "X-Plane"

With "X-Plane" you can create your own planes or fly just about any type of plane. "X-Plane" has everything from gliders to space shuttles. That's right, you aren't limited to earth. Feel like a trip to Mars? It's possible with "X-Plane." "X-Plane" doesn't have the polish of "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" but offers more variety in terms of planes.

Buy it at:
4. "Lock On: Modern Air Combat"
You are the helm of 8 jets from America or Russian in combat action. "Lock On: Modern Air Combat comes with training and quick start missions. Single player missions not your thing? With "Lock On: Modern Air Combat" you can play up to 32 players via LAN or 6 through the Internet.

Buy it at:

How can Game the computer shop fail when the companys so big?
The shop Game is well known and computer games and consoles are very popular so how did they fail to make enough money?

A. Size doesn't mean anything.Remember General Motors!!!!!!!

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What is the name of the computer game about mexican mice?

Q. My family used to have a computer game sometime between around 2000 and 2006 with a storyline involving mexican mice and tacos and I think a boy mouse rescuing a girl mouse. They're wearing sombreros and the setting is very western looking, but no one in my family can remember what the game is called. It was for PC and we had it on a CD rom. If you had any idea what it might be called, we'd all be very excited!

A. tamale loco: rumble in the desert II possibly?

What is causing my Logitech mouse and keyboard to not function properly?
Q. After a few minutes into any computer game, my Logitech mouse starts to become unresponsive, then starts to skip, soon the keyboard does the same often skipping or repeating keys that I press. I do not think it has anything to do with the fact that it is Logitech because while experiencing the problem I plugged in a different mouse and it continued to malfunction. This problem persists for a few minutes after playing the game before dying down. However anytime a game starts the problem will start too.
It has nothing to do with the mouse because I have tried wired mice and keyboards. I think it is CPU/Videocard driver related.

A. new batteries if it is wireless or just take the cables out from the computer and insert them back in and restart ur computer

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Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

I'm looking for a new computer. What are some really good ones that are not to expensive?

Q. I make music (Fruity loops) so i want something with a really good sound card in it. And i also play some computer games (league of legends) so i want it to run fast and look great. If not a computer in general then can someone tell me what are some pretty good graphic and auido cards and processors i shud look for when buyin a computer.

A. I was just googling and came across this product hope it helps you

HP Pavilion Elite HPE-250F Desktop PC
*Intel Core i7-860 Processor (2.8 GHz, 1 MB L2 Cache + 8MB Shared L3 Cache, Intel H57 PCH Chipset)
*8GB PC3-10600 DDR3 SDRAM memory (4 x 2GB for ultimate performance) (expandable to 16GB)
*1 Terabyte (7200 RPM) Serial ATA hard drive; Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner with LightScribe Technology
*ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphics card with 1GB DDR5 dedicated graphics memory, HDMI, dual-link DVI, display port, and VGA capabilities
*Support for Blu-ray and Microsoft DirectX 11
*Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

What sort of punishment can you get for internet theft?
Q. Someone stole my account for a computer game called league of legends. I've spent over 400$ on the game since 2009 and I believe he plans to sell it. The account also has my credit card information. What can this guy get if he is caught?

A. you can find out more about it here
although, i personally dont think he'll get caught.
try to contact riot support to get your account back. provide them with enough information and they'll help you.

If you plan on playing league of legends again, i'd suggest using their giveaway page so you can save some money next time...

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what can i do if my game The Sims 2 won't start and it says that :?

Q. : "failed to find any DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in this system! please make sure you have a DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest drives provided by the manufacturer. the application will now terminate."

A. I had this exact same message last year, every time I tried to load the game. It went on for months! After a very lengthy back-and-forth exchange between EA Customer Support and myself (and I think I probably know the name of every EA Customer Support rep in India!), and jumping through a lot of hoops, and going through a whole heap of computer configurations, I finally took my computer into a repair shop, plopped it down on the counter, and told them, "I can't play my Sims!!"

Turned out my video card was blown. (There was a lot of other stuff wrong with my machine, but that's the one that caused the error message you're referring to.)

My suggestion would be to start with EA Customer Support:

Some of the agents are actually kind of knowledgeable, and there are a few things you can try, like downloading the drivers for your video card, and updating your version of DirectX, before you run out and replace your video card.

How do I get a ccl license in new Mexico ?

A. ?
CCLCAC (Common Access Card) Cryptographic Logon
CCLCenter for Creative Leadership
CCLCreative Commons License
CCLCarnival Cruise Lines
CCLClimate Change Levy
CCLCommerce Control List
CCLCommon Command Language
CCLContaminant Candidate List (United States)
CCLCarrier Common Line (telecom)
CCLChild Care Licensing
CCLCommission Canadienne du Lait (Canadian Dairy Commission)
CCLCouple-to-Couple League (for Natural Family Planning)
CCLComputational Chemistry List
CCLCenter for Connected Learning
CCLChemokine C-C Motif Ligand
CClCommission for Climatology (WMO)
CCLCopper Clad Laminate (printed circuits)
CCLCanadian Children's Literature
CCLCommonwealth Countries’ League (UK)
CCLCross Campus Library (Yale)
CCLCommodity Control List
CCLCambridge Consultants Ltd
CCLCouldn't Care Less
CCLCentral Coalfields Limited (India)
CCLCommunication Certification Laboratory
CCLCrazy Cat Lady (Internet slang)
CCLConcealed Carry License (concealed weapon permit)
CCLCardiac Catheterization Laboratory
CCLConnection Control Language
CCLCoupled Cavity Linac
CCLCommon Carrier Line
CCLCommunity College League
CCLCenter for Constitutional Litigation
CCLChurch Copyright Licence
CCLConstruction Completion List (EPA)
CCLCyber Control Language
CCLCommand Control Language
CCLCataract, Coppock-Like
CCLCommunications Control Language
CCLCasing-Collar Log (Drilling Industry)
CCLConcentric Canister Launcher
CCLCalling Party Clear Signal
CCLContinuous Communications Link
CCLContamination Control Line
CCLClosed Circuit Loop
CCLCombat Configured Load
CCLCircuit Consultants Ltd (UK)
CCLClosed Conference Loop
CCLCosta Container Lines SpA
CCLConfiguration Control Logic (NASA)
CCLContracts Consultancy Ltd (UK)
CCLCenter for Creative Learning, Inc (St. Louis, Missouri)
CCLcommunications/computer link (US DoD)
CCLCommonality Candidate List (NASA)
CCLClu Clu Land (video game)
CClContinental Celtic (linguistics)
CCLClose Combat Light
CCLCandidate Code List
CCLClan Co-Leader (gaming)
CCLClarence Cook Little Building (University of Michigan)
CCLCoating and Chemical Lab
CCLColor Calibrated Laser (color proofing, printing industry)
CCLCascaded Control Loop
CCLControl Center Language
CCLCapacitor Coupled Logic
CCLCatholic Council of Lesotho
CCLCentury Consultants Ltd
CCLCentral CO2 Laboratory
CCLCable Coupling Link
CCLCentral Configuration Lab
CCLCommand and Control Laboratory (US DoD)
CCLCritical Components List
CCLCommand Center Laboratory
CCLControl Code Locator
CCLCookbook Collector's Library (publishing house)
CCLConcurrent Common LISP
CCLCustom Certification Laboratory
CCLChannel Carrying Last
CCLCitizens Climate Lobby
CCLConfiguration Control Letter
CCLCognition Consulting Ltd (New Zealand)
CCLCell Coverage Layer (telecommunications)

Please note this is Travel Mexico (the country and not the state of New Mexico, USA.

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What are the advantages of a console-based gaming system, compared to computer PC games ?

Q. The experience of being a gamer has changed radically. A new generation game console hits the market every 5 or 6 years, exploring realistic three-dimensional worlds in high resolution with surround sound. Latest are the next generation of consoles led by Xbox 360, Sony Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii.

How are they better than computer games?

A. They are alot cheaper than computers. You also dont have to worry if your system specs is good enough to play the games, all you have to do is see if it runs on which ever system and your good to go.

How much does it cost to create a computer game?
Q. With all these indie online/downloadable games out there I was just curious as to how much it would cost to produce one. Things that I would assume you would need are:

hardware and design software
creative team to actual come up with and design the game
office space

Can anybody give me a ballpark estimate?

A. I know that there is a program called Unity 3D which has a free licence until you make more than a limit on that game.
Hardware can pretty much be any computer that can run the game. cost nothing if you have one.
Programmers if you have the time you could do this yourself/ with friends and cost nothing.
Creative team again you and friends nothing to cost
Marketing: Word of mouth is one of the fastest ways of spreading the news about something you and your friends can do that too. again nothing in cost
Office Space: not sure what it would be needed for but your house maybe? maybe just have an online contact email for the game.
Testers: You and your friends can always test the game nothing in cost

With the way I show it you can make a game for $0 :D Just time and effort on your part.

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Is it possible to get or build a top of the line gaming computer under 600 dollars?

Q. Is it even possible to make it sort of good under 600 dollars?

A. yes it is possible, just search over internet the prices of the parts & calculate them.
You cannot build a good gaming computer but you can make an average graphics computer which supports every game.
Just search over these parts:
Intel 3.0GHz processor Dual core or Intel 2.66Ghz Core 2 Duo
Nvidia 8600GT

also try to search nvidia sli ready motherboard, it will be beneficial

What are some good parts for a gaming computer?
Q. I would like to build a gaming computer that is perfect for WoW and Guild Wars 2. I have 600-700 dollars to spend on the computer. I would like a desktop. I'm browsing for all the parts that I need, I just can't decide on what to buy.

A. The Hard Drive like the SATA 7500 rpm is the best component and the most important as this is the slowest moving part in any computer. You need 1 gig of ram at the least and a very good video card for graphics.

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How much does a good gaming computer cost?

Q. I think I'm going to play Diablo III when it comes out, where is a good computer to play it on, and how much will it cost? I know Diablo III isn't out yet, but I know it will need a lot of requirements because its a huge game.

Desktop and or laptop.

A. Get at least a dual-core processor (quad-core recommended), with 3 GB RAM (4-6GB recommended), SSD for OS (40GB would suffice) and 500GB of HDD (1TB if you need and/or can afford), ATI 5770/5870 or nVidia GT275/285, 22" widescreen LCD monitor and a decent logitech keyboard/mouse. To run diablo 3, which you're not going to be until perhaps 3rd quarter of 2011, you'll require a robust PC, but not necessarily an expensive one. $850 should fetch you a good gaming PC, whereas top-of-the-line models will cost more.

What computer can I get at a reasonable price to play the sims 3 and all expansion packs?
Q. I need a desktop or something to play these games I've looked all over the place and can't seem to find something that will play smoothly with no issues.

Also if I have to spend more than 400- 500 than I'd need to sell my MacBook Pro. Don't rarely use it can i sell my MacBook to best buy? I don't wanna do Craigslist or w.e cause some ppl are fake.

I want to be able to play every single expansion pack with no problem can anybody please give me any suggestions I've been dealing with this for past few years my mac book can't play these games I buy other laptops I rent them and they do the same thing not compatible enough it's so lagy when I play and always quitting out. And my MacBook Pro is a 15in 2011 how much can I sell it for? It looks new.
I was guessing 1000 since I payed 2,000 something I have never had problems with it well except the fact that I can t play all my sims games :(

But please help me out I love these games and I can't figure this out on my own because I don't know much about computers I only have 500 dollars in my pockets and I'm trying to sell my MacBook Pro which I domt know when that will happen.

A. Look for a computer with:
processor: Core i5 or Core i7
Ram: 6GB's or more
Graphics card: I don't think it matter's, Integrated is cheaper.
OS: Windows 7 (really, windows 8 will not run Sims)

I play Sims on my computer, it is a Dell Insprion 15R, 4GB ram, core i7, Integrated graphics card. Payed $549 at Look into buying from

Sell your mac-book on eBay, Just ship it with tracking and signature conformation. 90% of buyers on eBay are legit, (now the sellers are a different story) I sell on eBay all the time never had a problem. Golden rule, if its over $200.00, add signature conformation. And always do tracking info.

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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Does anyone know any good multiplayer games that can be played over the internet?

Q. It's really hard to find a multiplayer game where both players can be at different computers., is a good one but is there any more?

A. F.E.A.R. is a free multiplayer shooter game that can be played online, or on a LAN. It's quite impressive for a free game.

There are also a whole bunch of simpler games (like card, board, and word games) on and On these sites you can play poker, checkers, chess, battleship, scrabble, and a whole bunch of other stuff. You can either play with complete strangers or create your own private game to play with a person that you invite.

How much does a computer game designer earn a year in the uk?
Q. thinking of taking a btec in Computing - Games Development (Creative Media Production), how much does a computer game designer earn?

A. It depends... if the game sells well, you earn well, if you make a shitty game, you go out of business.

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Looking into building a Gaming computer. Could I have some suggestions and an estimated ballpark for price?

Q. I am looking into building a Gaming computer. Could I have some suggestions and an estimated ballpark for price? Just give me some links,and a price with PA sales tax (6% on the dollar) Please keep it under $700 but have it be able to work on the most current games please.

$714 after rebate delivered, unless you change the power supply to the CX600 to bring it to $700
Most should not collect tax and delivery should be shown at included,3106-5.html
The core i3 is a gaming tier 2
Got the graphics up to HD 7850
The lower wattage CPU (55W) and moderate wattage graphics (130 watt) plus fans and drives allowing 60 watts, means 245 watts on 12V, and 30% buffer is 318 watt target or 26.5A on a single rail.
CX600 with 3 year warranty has 46A available
The XFX with 5 year warranty and solid state capacitors is 44A
It is possible to knock a few dollars off the motherboard using a B75 one.
An Intel build allows later upgrade into an i5.
The Phenom I saw in the other build is power hungry and has no better gaming than the i3.
I chose a decent computer case, but there are others with at least 2 fans (intake+exhaust) and USB 3.0 and 2.0 on the front panel and is spacious inside.

How to build a gaming computer and what website to buy parts?
Q. I wanted to buy an xps 730 the best one but its to expensive i want to know where to buy the parts and what should i buy. I wana build a gaming computer not to expensive my buget is $600 maybe $700 i want quality if i can get quality for cheap thats even better thanks

A. Newegg does have a very good reputation. I'm in Australia and I know about them!

If I was gonna build a computer at the moment, my value for money parts would be:

Intel E8400 or E8500 CPU
Midrange Asus or Gigabyte motherboard
nVidia 9600GT 512MB graphics card
1 or 2 Western Digital SATA Drives (500, 640 or 750 GB)

Don't skimp on the power supply (get quality), get at least 2gb of ram and leave youself enough money for fans, case, etc.

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What online sites can i sell my used computer games at?

Q. besides ebay because i don't trust ebay, where can i sell my computer games. gamestop doesn't buy them. neither do radio shack, blockbuster, or hastings. so where in the grayson county area can i sell my computer games? or do you know of any sites online that don't cost too much to send them through the mail once i'm paid. i have a paypal account as well.

A. well here is my email send me a LIST of all of your games and price maybe i might buy some or see if i can sell them for you i have a paypal account too so i could pay for them thought there if i want any if your cooool wit it...............

How much time do you spend on Yahoo Answers?
Q. Just curious. I know some of us are retired and have more leisure time so probably spend more time here than others. I was wondering because my husband thinks I spend way too much time on Yahoo Answers. In turn, I think he spends way too much time playing computer games. Do you come to Yahoo Answers every day? Do you come on Yahoo Answers several times a day? How many minutes are you on Yahoo Answers? Or how many hours are you on Yahoo Answers? Does your spouse or another family member think you are on Yahoo Answers too much?

A. If I spent as much time exercising as I do on the computer, I think I could qualify for the olympics. I'm retired, and I don't think I've found the ideal schedule for my time yet. Ha ha.

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Is their a such thing as spending to much on a computer?

Q. This summer i am buying a new gaming computer, i have a little over 3000 dollars to spend, but i dont know if its worth it spending that much, idk if i should just spend like 1800 because im not trying to run multimonitors or uploading 3videos at a time on youtube and playing batllefield 3 on max setting. I am a graphics perfectionist i like running things on high settings, but im not going to multitask while i do it, just play the game, would a 1800 dollar computer like 500 of that being on a grafics card be able to play like bf3 and crysis 3 and the upcoming bf4 on max settings? Or should i just spend the extra thousand on stuff? Plz answer thanks.

A. I recommend that you build it instead. You will be able to acquire better components and know what brands are going into it. Just research videos and such on how to build a computer. It's REALLY easy once you do that. That's what I did. I researched how to build, I researched the parts and everything in between. In the end you'll have a machine worth $1800 and not a machine you paid $1800 for that is worth $700.

Is their a such thing as spending to much on a computer?
Q. This summer i am buying a new gaming computer, i have a little over 3000 dollars to spend, but i dont know if its worth it spending that much, idk if i should just spend like 1800 because im not trying to run multimonitors or uploading 3videos at a time on youtube and playing batllefield 3 on max setting. I am a graphics perfectionist i like running things on high settings, but im not going to multitask while i do it, just play the game, would a 1800 dollar computer like 500 of that being on a grafics card be able to play like bf3 and crysis 3 and the upcoming bf4 on max settings? Or should i just spend the extra thousand on stuff? Plz answer thanks.

A. 1800 is enough to play current games on max settings it should be the same way for bf4. i would not recommend spending alot of money on something you dont really need.

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What is the best processor, mother board, video card, and etc.for computer gaming desktop?

Q. Im planning to put a computer gaming shop business. Please give me advice on whats the most affordable but best set up of computer I can assemble.please be really not a tech person.

A. It is all very budget dependent. Here is a nice $1000 part set if putting it together yourself, and be sure to watch youtube videos and work on a non-static flat big surface and wear gloves or ground yourself and never force things together.
CPU Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz 4 cores, 4 threads since gaming does not use hyperthreading nor more than 4 cores.,3106-5.html
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler - a good value for overclocking the CPU. It is tall, but very efficient and priced well.
Asus P8Z77-V LK ATX LGA1155 Motherboard - supports overclocking, and has 2 slots of pciex16 to possibly add a second GPU in SLI at another time for crossfiring instead of replacing the graphics card as you would in a 1 slot system.
G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 The right amount for gaming in the right speed for the CPU and is a good brand 1.5V with heat spreader in CAS 9
Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive - fairly reliable bulk storage in a good size of a terrabyte
Sandisk 64GB 2.5" Solid State Disk - to hold Windows and a few games for fast load and top performance. Can use half in partition for Intel RST/SRT HDD acceleration if preferred.
Video Card Galaxy GeForce GTX 660 2GB - Highly rated solid performer. I did not look up its status for SLI vs crossfire
Cooler Master Storm Enforcer ATX Mid Tower Case - Nice looking case with good air flow and roomy. Starts with only 2 fans as adequate, but could add a top fan. There are many good choices of cases. Has USB 2 and 3 and audio ports.
Rosewill Green 630W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply
Decent enough as a single rail (one +12V as preferred) with a 6 and 6+2 pcie connector set and since GTX 660 needs only one, should be enough for crossfire one day without changing it. 50A (600 watts) on 12V to power GPU, CPU, fans and disk drives. There are better and worse PSUs but this is surely at least adequate and more.
Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer - any DVDRW
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)
gamers prefer Win 7
Still need keyboard, mouse, audio output (speakers/headphones), and a display

Which is the cheapest gaming motherboard to buy ?
Q. Hi guys this is chintan.
I am going to setting up a game zone at my cuber cafe.
I need help.
Which is the cheapest gaming motherboard that i should buy for my 10 PCs ?

A. It depends on what processors they have in them. More specifically it depends which processor socket they have. AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+, LGA 775, LGA 1156, LGA 1366, LGA 1155?

Scout around on different websites and look for deals, read reviews to make sure they aren't junk, and compare prices.

Try,,,,,, or do some searches online.

I'm going to say it again - on any cheap or discount computer item READ REVIEWS.

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What are some online computer games where you make an avatar and walk around?

Q. I need some virtual games like Runescape. And DO NOT say Runescape or anything with fighting in it. I need some games for a 9 year old girl(That's me!). Please help me if you can.

A. I suggest you try there are many interesting free browser games you can choose for you 9 year old girl :D

What are a few good computer games out there?
Q. I have a gaming computer but I only have a few games. I need something that can be played online too.


A. some online games I know are: Club penguin, Runescape, Small Worlds, Wee world hope they entertain you :D

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Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

What computer technologies should I expect in 2012?

Q. I want to buy a new gaming laptop for collage.I have this year an 1+ from high school and I am going to go in 2011-2012 in collage. I want a top gaming laptop of 3500-5500$
Will there be a new CPU, Graphic card, Ram that will be much faster then ?

A. This is sort of a pointless question.

Of course there will be new CPU's, new GPU's, faster and higher capacity RAM and hard drives. They are in a constant state of change, and new additions to each of those categories come out at least once a year, so you're looking at at least 2 generations better than what we have now.

But you might want to rethink your strategy, as a super powerful gaming laptop is not very portable and it's battery life will suck. And as a college student myself, you are going to want a laptop that you can take where ever you need, easily (both weight and size) and something that wont die in an hour. Come back to Yahoo Answers when you are ready to buy a gaming laptop, as any advice as to parts is pure speculation and will lead you astray.

What are some good video cards and for hd video editing and gaming?
Q. I'm building a computer and i'm ordering my parts from new egg soon and i need help choosing a good video card for video editing and gaming. Also can you also recommend a good processor
My budget is around $1000
and by 1000 i mean on the whole pc.

A. *** Update ***

OK, with a $1000 budget I'd suggest the Core i7 2400 and a GTX 560. Or upgrade to the Core i7 2600 if movie editing is more important than anything else.

Here's a great guide with different builds indicated by color code.

Take the Tier 4 (green) build, eliminate the SSD. That leaves enough money to upgrade to the Core i7 2600. Or you could stick with the Core i5 2400 and get a second 1TB hard drive for storing videos.

What's your budget for the whole system, roughly?

Video editing relies primarily on the CPU, having a high-end graphics card doesn't really matter for that. You'll want one of Intel's 2nd generation Sandy Bridge processors along with a Z68 motherboard in order to use Quick Sync. You'll want between 8-16 GB of RAM, and it's best to have two hard drives. Video editing goes smoother when your source and destination folders are on different physical drives.

For gaming you'll want at least a midrange graphics card, a GeForce GTX 460/Radeon HD 6850 or better. Note that the GTX 550 Ti is a lower performance card than the GTX 460, not higher.

I recommend a Core i7 2600 for video editing (or Core i5 2400 if the i7 doesn't fit your budget) along with a GTX 560. That combination can run all games on high settings and most titles maxed. If you wanted an even more powerful graphics card to play games like Battlefield 3 on ultra settings, the Radeon HD 7850 and GeForce GTX 570 are recommended. If you want a really high-end card, the GeForce GTX 680. Of course those models are much more expensive.

There's no point paying extra for the "K" processors since you won't be overclocking (it's not something to attempt if you're not already very familiar with how it works).

Also, the Core i5 2550K lacks the integrated GPU which is required for Quick Sync, so avoid that one- go with the Core i5 2500, 2400 or 2320, or the Core i7 2600 if that's not too expensive.

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Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

What TV would be best to use as a TV and computer monitor?

Q. I plan to use my next TV as a computer monitor because I cant afford both.

I'm looking to get a 1080p LED, not too picky on any particular brand. but it has to be under or around 350$

What would work best to serve both of these functions?Are there any specific cables need to have it work as both? and will 60hz to 120 hz really matter, as I am mainly using the Tv for gaming.

A. Most TV's come with a VGA port on the back that you can easily connect to the desktop. HDMI is better but you need a video card that has it built in instead of using a DVI to HDMI convertor. As far as the refresh rate goes you wont notice a difference. I use a 32 inch toshiba flat screen with 720p and its awesome to play on. I also have my cable running through to my TV as well and just switch to the input I want.

I installed a new video card and now my desktop and icons are blurry?
Q. I recently installed a geforce 9500gt graphics card and have been having some problems. After I did the install I rebooted my computer and noticed that everything was blurry. I'm using a 32 inch LG tv as a monitor and am connecting it to my computer with an avg to dvi cable. I've tried toggling the screen resolution and that didn't help. The strange thing is that video games look fine when I play them but everything else does not look very sharp. Any ideas?

A. It is normal for this to happen coming out of a VGA connection, text needs very precise pixel alignment and a very clean signal for a really sharp image, they usually only get very sharp on computer monitors because they can run at the exact native resolution and are designed to be sharp. With TV's it is hard to match the video card to the exact native resolution of the TV. Find out what your TV's native Resolution is and set it to as close to this as possible on the Nvidia control panel, most new full HD LCD screens are 1920 x 1080, some of the cheaper TV's are only HD ready (720p) which means it will not be as sharp as full HD. The best way to connect to a TV is with a Digital DVI or HDMI out from the graphics card. The newer video cards like the gt240 have 3 outputs HDMI, DVI, AND plain old vga so are the better ones to go for if connecting to a TV, especially HDMI as you also get the audio to the TV as well.

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What kind of laptop should i get for gaming ?

Q. I would like a laptop for gaming thats under £400-450
For the game Gta and an online game called Metin2 + i want to use fraps to record the game so i would like a laptop that is not very laggy and fast on the internet ;) Any suggestions ?

A. you get what you pay for basically with computers. I also suggest not buying based on the design of computer. Its the fast hardware that you should be paying for not all the fancy keyboards and design.
good brands to look at are dell (, sony (, and lenovo (, they usally are the top competitors.
Don't get any laptop that dosent ave at least
1.8 Ghz
windows 8
intel core i5

What is a good laptop to buy so I can play all of my Sims 3 games on?
Q. I love Sims 3 and I have a lot of their games. And I've been needing a new laptop. Does anyone know of any good laptops under $400 that can hold a lot of computer games. Anything but HP laptops would be great, thanks.

A. Under $400 is a very tight budget. Integrated solutions will struggle with Sims 3 games, and there are not many laptops if any with discrete solutions. You might want to expand your budget about 100-150 dollars more and look at or for laptops.

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