Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

How Can I Improve Game Experience on my Laptop?

Q. Okay, I have an Asus Laptop and I want to get a couple of computer games on here.

Runs on Windows 7
AMD E-350 Processor 1.60GHz
RAM: 4.00 (3.60 usable)
64-bit Operating System.

Keep in mind I am 15-year-old JUST getting into gaming, keep it simple please.
I have GameBooster.
I have Slender: The Eight Pages, but it's a little slow. Not horribly so, but it will randomly lag.

Games I would like to play:
Slender: The Arrival
SCP Containment Breach
And so on.
Is there any way I can play them fairly smoothly? Is there any way I could hook my computer up to my Xbox 360 to play games? I just want the game to move relatively quickly, I don't care so much about graphics.

Any solutions OTHER than buying a new computer are welcomed. I DO have an old desktop, but it is very, very old, I think it's at least 2005-2008ish. Is there anything I can do to make Ye Olde Dionsaur Computer work??

Much love,

A. It's a laptop... other that tweaking game settings individually, you're stuck with its game performance. All laptops have always been mediocre for gaming (compared self-built desktop PCs), although that's slowly changing, unfortunately.

The only things you might do (which won't improve gaming) is add more RAM (impossible on most utrabooks), replace hard drive with a SSD (sometimes it's labor intensive), and clean-up junk that runs at startup like IM's.

The free Slender uses the Unity 3D engine which wasn't designed for performance. Old PC: if it has 4GB and a Core2 Duo, Core2 Quad, it's usable, otherwise don't waste your money, especially old overpriced DDR2 RAM.

What are the most important specs in a computer for gaming.?
Q. I read an article written in 2003 that RAM and Video Card are the most important. Now that computer games are so much more advanced it would be awesome if someone could give me a ranking of component importance to help me decide what things to add to a new computer.

A. The thing that make
any pc for gaming is
graphics card.gaming
is 75% job of graphics card and 25% job of
a cpu then ram have
the priority.always
invest more on your
GPU than your CPU.4
gb of ram is plenty
for gaming this days.
more than 4 gb won't have impact on gaming as no games
utilies more than 4 gb

so your first priority
should be a better
graphics card.

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