Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

What kind of games are you looking forward to see on the Wii an year after it's release??

Q. Personally, I want to see more first shooters. I look forward to playing Red Steel--it should be awsome.

Other than that, I would have wanted the Wii to provide us with fun interactive games for all ages... I would have loved it if I'd have got my mother and my granny to use modern technology to do something other than cook, bake and cleaning the house all the time. I mean it's hard enough to get them to do something on the computers. So maybe the Wii will have fun games for everyone. Possibly family games! (For all ages and for non-gamers just like they promissed!!!)

Well that's the sort of thing I look forward on the Wii. How about you?? Games?? Ideas??? Tell me!

A. Zelda looks fun. I'll get it for the GC first but I'll eventually get it on the Wii. Metroid is going to play like a dream. Personally, I loved Trauma Center on the DS so I can't wait for Trauma Center on the Wii.

How much is it to build a Non-Gaming Computer?
Q. Hello i am 14 freshman in high school and always wanted to try to build my own computer. It has always interested me. But how much would it be? I don't really care about running games such as Battle Field 3 And Skyrim. I just want it to run internet pretty fast. So can anyone tell me the price in USD. Plus it would be my first time that i would build one. I just want it to save money and so my family can use it for internet.

A. You can build a nice pc for around 300$.
You can build a nice gaming pc for 800$+.
Note that you can upgrade as you go. Chances are, a year from now, your pc will be built for gaming. Most gamers buy new parts every couple months.

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