Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

what is a good computer for creating video games?

Q. My brother recently got hired by a video game company and i wanted to buy him a laptop for his birthday that's good for creating video games or things of that sort.

A. You could buy him a HP HDX 16 or 18t premium series, Macbook Pro, Any Sony laptop (very expensive), or any Dell studio series (cheapest).

There are different processes that all go into making video games. He could be a programmer, a graphics designer or several other things. The Mac would cover just about everything but it is certainly one of the more expensive ones. But no matter what computer you buy it wont be able to create a video game without the necessary programs on it. These programs can cost just as much as the computer itself but I would assume that whomever your brother works for will provide him with the program that he needs. However if he works for a top end game designer they would most likely give him a computer to use which would probably be a desktop computer at where he works. So if you were buying him a computer to use at home and they didn't give him another copy of the program, the computer would need an auto-CAD program if he is a structural designer or a visual artist. If he is a programmer he would need a JAVA editing and developing program and if he is a programmer he would also need a computer that has a Linux operating system. If he is a graphics designer, productions designer he would need adobe illustrator/fireworks and possibly photoshop. If he is a producer I don't know what program he would need.

Should i get video games even though my sister told me to get computer games?
Q. I ve always wanted video games wen my sisters were around but never need it. now my sisters went to college and im alone with my parents and granparnets. i really want vidoe games but my sisters tell me my parents are to cheeap to buy me new games everytime i want them? wat should i do

A. Computer games are video games...

BTW, I would suggest getting a system, rather then getting PC games... PC gaming is an even more expensive hobby then console gaming, as you need a good system to run the games to begin with and every couple of years you NEED (not have) to upgrade your system...

Where as the longevity in a modern console is about 5-6 years before a new system is released.... An upgrade to a PC can top 500 easily, if you want better then decent-really good hardware... Where as a console costs about 300..

Gaming computer components also aren't designed for long lasting life... They're designed for power, and the more power an electronic uses/generates, the more heat it generates, and heat is the enemy to electronics, it reduces overall life... That is why people invest in beefy cooling systems for their high end gaming rigs.

If your parents are trying to convince you to stick to PC games for the cheapness aspect, make sure you tell them the above, the overall cheaper route is consoles, PC gaming is better left to serious gamers with money to burn.

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What are some good gaming computer chairs?

Q. So I was just getting this good gaming setup going with an Alienware x51 gaming desktop, a Razer Deathstalker keyboard, a Razer Deathadder mouse, a 23 inch HD Samsung monitor, a Minecraft mouse pad, and a Turtle Beach x12 headset. Then I realized the only thing I still need is some kind of comfortable computer chair that is good for gamers. If you know any brands or a specific chair you like, please let me know. Thanks!

A. it's so soft

computer gaming chair?
Q. hey guys im a gamer and i need a new chair for my comp but ive gone in a few stores and i cant seem to find any good chairs except for these generic crap office chairs im looking for a really comfortable padded chair that doesn't have a bunch of stupid shit on it i keep looking at all these
"gaming chairs" and theyre all these stupid like sparco racing seats or some shit that sit on the floor and like go back and forth or some shit i want a chair thats made with computer gaming in mind without a bunch of gimicks and is just adjustable and extremely comfortable that will last anyone know of anything like that lol???

A. Choosing a well designed office chair is an essential step in achieving good computer ergonomics. A good furniture will preserve and support the natural curves of your body back. In the neck and low back the spinal curves in, and in the middle back the spinal curves out. To perform well the contour of the chair's back should match the curves of your back.

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Tips to Sim's 3 Computer Game?

Q. Any Tips on the Computer Game Sims Three?

A. hire are some use full tips :

Easy money
Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simoleons.

Saving money
No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it the same day you got it you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of all your money.

Easy Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening skills
This trick requires a TV with a Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channel and a video game system. Have a Sim sit down and watch television. Switch the TV over to one of the previously mentioned channels so that the Sim can start earning his or her skill point. Then, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games. Notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as they please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic and Cooking skills will continue to rise. If you keep repeating the steps until each skill channel has been viewed, the Sim will keep learning the three skills as he or she goes on about their daily life, and four when doing skill activities.

Free bookcase skills
Buy a bookcase, then have your Sim begin to study. Interrupt the action so that the book is placed on the ground. Sell the bookcase. The book can now do everything the bookcase could have done for free.

Increasing chance to have baby boys
Have a pregnant female Sim eat apples to increase the chance of having a boy.

Increasing chance to have baby girls
Have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons to increase the chance of having a girl.

Increasing chance for multiple babies
To increase the chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment.

Making friends
Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips". People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.

Disable aging
Instead of using a cheat code to toggle "aging on" and "aging off" like in The Sims 2, you can de-activate the age in "Game Options" under "Options". When you uncheck the box next to "Aging", your Sims will no longer become older. You can also slow aging down in this menu by setting the "Lifetime" bar. It can be set from 25 days to 960 days.

Avoiding death
Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush". Harvest the flower from it, and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die, that Sim will give the flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although the flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has Level 7 Gardening, they can plant the "Unknown Special Seeds" found in the graveyard and some other places that have a chance to grow as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant may help.

New clothes
To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once there, click "Plan Outfit". You can put a total of three different clothes for each type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.).

Strange faces
There is a glitch in Create-A-Sim mode that allows to you to make very strange faces. Go to the face designing area. Select a face part such as the eyes, and max out all the sliders one way or the other. Then, go to a different face part, and select one of the predesigned parts. Return to the eyes. The sliders will have reset to the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. You can then continue to max out the size of the eyes and repeat. You can make eyes the size of dinner plates, very long cheekbones, huge noses, and more.

Hording pizza
Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza deli

What's a nice gaming computer?
Q. I'm wondering what's a nice gaming computer?

A. The best gaming computer has and always will be the one you build yourself. Even if you have no knowledge in computers it can be a good learning experience and you can get a machine far superior for cheaper than outright buying a "gaming pc".

Then you have to ask yourself the question, what kind of gaming is it that you want to do. The most crucial component in your gaming machine will be the video card and how beefed up the card will have to be will depend on the quality of your graphics and the intensity of your games. Take Tomb Raider for example you have various settings from low all the way to Ultra where the strands of hair on the main character are all independent for realistic effect.

Research on the components needed for your desired spec gaming machine can easily be found through google and various forums. Parts can be purchased through sites such as newegg.

Breaking this down further, regardless of the quality or intensity of the gaming you generally will never need anything more powerful than an i5 processor, with exception to the 6 core i7 i5 and 7 differ mostly in hyperthreading ability and caching ability. AMD can be good but performance will always be better with intel, don't let the clock rate full you.

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Gaming computer build 2012?

Q. i have a budget of about $800, i need a computer that can run skyrim, minecraft, crysis 2, bf3, etc.
oh yeah, i have a mouse, headphones with microphone, a old imac keyboard (temporary), and one of those huge old moniters(temporary)

A. Does this $800 include a monitor?

If not, seriously consider this computer from Newegg.

If it does include the monitor get this computer:

and this monitor:

Q. Weather it be laptop or desktop
i play games like World of warcraft and stuff
and need the best possible computer thx :)

A. There are many computer that we can call the best such as Asus ROG, MSI G series, Aliewnare, EON and more. The best is up to your budget.

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computer screen, computer and gaming?

Q. i recently posted a question asking if an hd tv could have a computer and a gaming system hooked up to it at the same time.

now im wondering if i can have a gaming system(xbox 360) hooked up to a COMPUTER screen and display in hd qualities. is that possible?

A. I know for a fact that you can hook your xbox 360 to a HDTV

But having HDTV quality on your pc monitor is quite impossible. comparing the hdtv screen with your pc lcd pixels and screen lines are far too different. Its a what you see what you get kinda thing. It is not controlled by a software. The term HD - hi-definition refers to number of pixels or lines compacted to fit your tv to give very nice detail which your computer LCD is not yet capable. If you can afford a HD-LCD screen for your computer then you can do it.

Computer screen eye damage?
Q. When I'm not driving or sleeping I'm at a computer. I'm in school for video game design and I will be working with computers all my life. When I'm not working on one I'm playing games on one. So how can I prevent my eyes from getting damaged? Are there certain screens or screen masks that will help? Or maybe glasses?

A. Computers cannot damage your eyes. Computer use at worst will cause headaches, eyestrain, and/or fatigue. To avoid these: Take breaks and look into the distance for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Take longer breaks every hour or so when you are on for longer. Make sure your eyes stay lubricated--get some good rewetting drops (stay away from Visine). Have good room lighting that doesn't cause glare. Have your screen at least arm's length away, further if possible. For more information, look up "Computer Vision Syndrome."

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Can my computer handle gta 4 and other games?

Q. I have inspiron 530 with dual core 2.66ghz with 2gb ram, 500gb hard drive (and 100gb external) but my graphics cards only 128mb. Does the 900mb "shared graphics memory" work on games??

A. You can run GTA IV - but you'll be running at about 5FPS which is almost like a slide show. And if you try it with full settings you'll probably burn out your graphics card.

Gaming Computer Question : Gta 4/ Processor's ?
Q. I want to get an alright gaming computer mainly to play stuff like gta 4.

There a two computers i have to decide between one has a Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16Ghz and the other Intel Core 2 quad 2.4Ghz.

The gta 4 system requirements are.....

Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz
Memory: 1.5GB, 16GB Free Hard Drive Space
Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900

Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1Ghz
Memory: 2 GB (Windows XP) 2.5 GB (Windows Vista)
18 GB Free Hard Drive Space
Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512MB ATI 3870

Which one do you think i should get because core 2 has more ghz ??

Thanks any comments are appreciated
Feel free to email me at

A. The quad is 4 processors all at 2.4 GHz which equals 9.6 GHz. Which is 4 times that you need for GTA 4
The duel is 2 processors running at 3.16GHz which equals 6.32GHz

Either one is fine for any game out at the moment. If your looking to future proof for a year or two then get the quad.

Edit: the higher the total GHz the faster the processing. The quad core is the future. However some games dont support that yet, but in the next few months more and more games will support the quad feature.

GTA IV does support Quad Core and Core 2. If you have the money get the quad its well worth it.

EDIT 2: the main thing abouts games is graphics cards so make sure you choose a graphics card that will support and enhance your processors. I suggest a Nvidia 9800 or 9900 series graphics card. Even get 2 and corssfire them. Any of these graphics cards plus the quad or core 2 processors wont just make your machine an "alright" system. it will make it a kick arse gaming machine.

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Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Is there anyway I can improve/upgrade my computers performance for gaming?

Q. I have an iMac 2011 21.5 inch(plz don't hate) and I play a lot of video games on my computer...I installed windows 7 on my mac(from parelells) so I can run windows only games on my computer


Processor: Intel core i5-2400S CPU @ 2.50 GHz(Quad core)
Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB for my Windows 7(I have 8 gigs total)
System type: 64-bit Operating system
Video Card: AMD RADEON HD 6750M 512 MB

There is always holiday season when I can get new parts for my computer so I am not unwilling to spend money if I have too

Please help!

A. I don't think that your specs are that bad. That should work, but if your going to be doing alot of games, maybe that 8GB could be improved to 16GB or something around that. You may just want to in general, add more since you have 4GB left. I think that your fine with everything else, especially the 64-bit operating system. Never seen windows 7 installed on a mac, but I'd imagine that it could work out. I have it on my computer :). Also, I think that it is fine that you have an iMac 2011, don't see why someone would hate on you for it.

One thing though; I wouldn't personally use parelles; not sure if that is just me. Boot camp (from what I know of) is installed on every mac, so I think that it would have been better to use.

I do have one tip, but it isn't related to your specs: port triggering/forwarding. Some online games, that in order to function at an optimal level require having ports forwarded. Of course, I would need to know your router model, and the actual game that you want the ports forwarded on for advice on that. You can google search which ports the game takes, even though alot of games don't even require that. Don't even worry about port forwarding unless the game crashes/disconnects alot.

Have fun gaming!


Computer Games?
Q. Where can you find all the information you need about computer games (pc) for example how to improve performance in your computer, network problems, overclocking graphics cards, etc

A. 4 Ways to Speed Up Your Computer's Performance
Free Up Disk Space
By freeing disk space, you can improve the performance of your computer. The Disk Cleanup tool helps you free up space on your hard disk. The utility identifies files that you can safely delete, and then enables you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files.

Use Disk Cleanup to:

� Remove temporary Internet files.

� Remove downloaded program files (such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets).

� Empty the Recycle Bin.

� Remove Windows temporary files.

� Remove optional Windows components that you don't use.

� Remove installed programs that you no longer use.

Tip: Typically, temporary Internet files take the most amount of space because the browser caches each page you visit for faster access later.
Speed Up Access to Data
Disk fragmentation slows the overall performance of your system. When files are fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk when the file is opened to piece it back together. The response time can be significantly longer.

Disk Defragmenter is a Windows utility that consolidates fragmented files and folders on your computer's hard disk so that each occupies a single space on the disk. With your files stored neatly end-to-end, without fragmentation, reading and writing to the disk speeds up.

When to Run Disk Defragmenter

In addition to running Disk Defragmenter at regular intervals, optimally monthly, certain events warrant running the utility outside of the monthly rule of thumb.

You should run Disk Defragmenter under the following circumstances:

� You add a large number of files.

� Your free disk space nears 15 percent.

� You install new programs or a new version of Windows.

Detect and Repair Disk Errors
In addition to running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter to optimize the performance of your computer, you can check the integrity of the files stored on your hard disk by running the Error Checking utility.

As you use your hard drive, it can develop bad sectors. Bad sectors slow down hard disk performance and sometimes make data writing (such as file saving) difficult, or even impossible. The Error Checking utility scans the hard drive for bad sectors, and scans for file system errors to see whether certain files or folders are misplaced.

If you use your computer daily, you should try to run this utility weekly to help prevent data loss.

Tip: Only select the Automatically fix file system errors check
box if you think that your disk contains bad sectors.
Protect Your Computer Against Spyware
Spyware collects personal information without letting you know and without asking for permission. The information that spyware collects ranges from a list of Web sites that you visit to usernames and passwords. In addition to privacy concerns, spyware can hamper your computer's performance.

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can you advise me on parts for a photo editing and gaming pc?

Q. Im gonna build a pc because i quite like electronics an using computers so why not try my luck at building one eh. anyway i want to do photo editing an play games like crysis an prototype.
price isnt so much of an issue
my girlfriend is saving up for a video camera so it will need to be able to handle video editing too


i did some looking around and this is a good setup will run any game and video/picture edit with ease at a good price. the motherboard can take up to 16gbs or RAM and a quad core am3 cpu and is designed for gamers with easy overclocking and high def audio.

the motherboard is capible of taking 2 graphics cards and have chosen a PSU that should be able to handle this with most graphics cards if you want some of the really powerful ones (e.g. 4870hd x2) in crossfire you can buy molex to PCI power connectors though so it shouldnt be a problem.

the cpu is triple core rather than quad core but at the moment quad core is more expensive and unneeded triple core will garuntee you a good gaming experince with any current game on good graphics.

blu ray drive for photo and video editing along with writing to blu ray discs for some high definition in the future.

the case is a high performance gaming case that should be able to take water cooling if you ever wish to upgrade its just bin released and the antec 900 was a gamers favourite so this one should be even better and garuntee your hardware a good life expectancy by keeping them cool.

when assembling dont forget to wear a anti static wristband so not to destroy the expensive hardware :)

should i get a temporary computer for photo editing?
Q. i work mostly from home and was going to get the new mac pro until i found out it wasn't really new. im using lightroom, photoshop and sony vegas. im am feeling my 2.2 Ghz HP pavilion dv6 with 4 gb ram and 1 gb ati radeon is beginning to slow down and there are little problems here and there (ie. usb ports easily disconnects, slow opening/closing files/programs) although the mac pro is a year away, like most apple products, it cant be confirmed. i am considering a used 2008 iMac 2.8 Ghz dual core for $750, but it only has a 256 mb videocard. when i get my new computer, ill just give this to my mom (her macbook's fan just died)

will this be enough of an upgrade? will i feel much of a difference from my current computer?

A. Photoshop doesn't depend much on the video card, except for accelerating certain filters and 'cosmetic' features that smoothen the interface. Video card RAM is mainly needed by 3D programs and games.

Have you tried solving whatever problems you're currently having? It seems like you aren't maintaining the hard drive with regular defragmentation, or may have even allowed it to get close to full (which slows down *any* system). If you have some spare time and a place to keep your personal files, you could even try doing a "factory reset" that might get rid of bad settings too deep to find or fix, although this also wipes away everything you've added to the laptop (programs, files, etc.).

Apple makes some pretty good (if expensive) products, but you shouldn't get stuck in the yearly upgrade trap.

Broken fan? That should be a simple and relatively cheap fix.

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EB Games told me computer gaming is dead?

Q. They say that consoles have become so popular, PC gaming is really dying out? Is it true? I always saw the consoles at a disadvantage because they were non-upgradable and did not have an operating system. Maybe gamers don't care about downloads or spreadsheets? I don't really agree with this trend

A. EB Games wantes you to buy the new nintendo or ps3 soo you have to come back to them for video games and the next years new systems. They cant make any money off of computer gaming because they dont sell computer gaming hardwhare. They would rather get you to buy the new system then another... new one then another... Unlike computer gameing which only require the perchesse of new hardwhare. anything you can do on a console you can do on a Computer hints why they use computers to make the games. :-D

The only real down side to computer gaming is the fact that there is no system release date every year so there is no flood of new games to be released with it.

Can video games make you insane and violent?
Q. I mean that literally. Can games make you lose touch of reality and make you violent and even kill someone?.

Or is it just that these people were already mentally flipped out in the head before they played any games and probably would have killed someone anyway.

There's someone here who thinks the general public would believe his ridiculous views and all agree that games make you violent. I'm even going to post this in the mental health section to avoid bias from gamers.

A. computer games can only cause violence or any other mental issue in kids that dont know any better or in people that already have issues but it shoudnt be up to the games industry to censor itself and avoid making adult rated games purely for a minority of people who shoudnt be allowed near them-it shoud be peoples own responsibility or their family/carers/support staff etc who control what they play, in the end its all gamers who pay the price when we do not get freedom of choice,we get loads of movie licenced bugged out unfinished crap but indie developers cant take risks and are shutting down or being bought out.

parents are some of the biggest spenders of games for their children-yet to many lack the responsibility to say no and buy them games like GTA and then blame the shop they bought it from,the games industry and developers why their child copies stuff.
they shoud make people sign a disclaimer with every game bought,so that no one can blame the game for directly causing mental issues.

in own view manhunt [however short it was] was one of the most addictive games of the playstation twos history,yet a limited amount of adults have ever got to play it because it was either banned or shops refused to stock it due to the violence,it actually shot up the game charts at one point thanks to the ignorant non gamers and parents who complained itd turn their kids or adults violent,but the limited amount of copies available made sure its popularity woudnt last.
if manhunt caused people to be violent,there woud be quite a few of us on the streets walking around putting tesco bags over peoples heads and strangling them and using cheese wire to slit throats but thats not being happening,with all the copies of the hugely successful need for speed series-why isnt every gaming driver a boy racer?
the worst complainers of violent games are people who are not even gamers themselves so will never have a balanced view,the closest have ever seen to a balanced view from a non gamer was the report from supernanny-jo frost a few years ago,the one she was asked to do for the government on how violent games affect children.

its clear that people who do injure/have violence problems [whether to others/themselves or to game pads even] have issues going on that are not compatible with violent games.
look at the boys who tortured and murdered the young boy-jamie bulger years ago,they blamed the film childs play and there was huge hatred towards it suddenly from people wanting it banned.
but those boys were both mentally disturbed already.

many people slam their game pad down after losing in a game,that isnt the games fault its the person to blame as they cant cope with losing.

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Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

School/Game computer?

Q. Im looking for a computer that will meet school needs and some gaming needs too.

For school, I would need a word processor, and fast internet speeds.

I really dont know that much about computers, but I do like to use them for games as well.

I just want an up to date desktop that will keep me working and gaming cleanly for a few years.

I wouldn't mind custom building it on a website such as cyberpowerpc or just buying a specific model. But if you think custom building would be better, please list some specific components I would need to fit my needs if you can.

A. if you dont mind building a pc that is the best way to gonna build this, this weekend....its a budget gamer that i will upgrade the cpu to a phenom II X4 and buy another 4850 for xfire in the it is right now it cost me 670.00 -rebates.....enough to get you buy until you upgrade....this mobo will run a am3 cpu also....

Case: Antec 300
Mobo: gigabyte ma-790x-ud4p
Cpu: AMD Athlon x2 7850 BE kuma@2.8ghz
Ram: g skill 2gigs pc8500 1066mhz
Gpu: xfx radeon hd 4850 1gig @625/1990
Psu: ocz modxstream pro 600w modular
Cooler--- xigmatek hdt 1283
Hdd: 1-74gig raptor 10,000 rpm
Samsung: floppy drive
Dvd/cd combo: sony

just to give you a idea...i cant recommend any prebuilts as i have not bought one in a long time....


Desktop computers for gaming?
Q. I need a computer for gaming, music, pictures, videos, and school work.

Mostly gaming though, but not hardcore World of Warcraft gaming.
Just like GTA on the computer or some strategy games...

I need a full setup for around 700-800$ including a Monitor + Tower + Speakers + Mouse + Keyboard.



monitor has speakers

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Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Will a Turtle Beach Ear Force X12 Gaming Headset work on my computer?

Q. I was wondering if there are specific requirements for the X12s.
I have an Acer Aspire M5800.

A. It should work. But trust me, gaming headsets are a waste of money. Just giving you a bit more of a surround sound, even though most sound cards can simulate the same experience with a normal headset.

Plus gaming headsets are designed to break after a certain time, so the customer will have to buy a new one.

Gaming Headset?
Q. Hey, I play counterstrike: source for my pc and im looking for a headset that is below 50 dollars. Id prefer a logitech one but im having some trouble finding one.
All i want is
A. Comfort
B. Good Sound
C. Good Mic
D. Lasts Long
Feel free to recommend me another type of headest

A. I like the Genius ones. THey are both USB and discrete line in and line out with an adapter. THat means it will work on any computer as the headset comes with both plugs

Genius HS-04U,2845,2128017,00.asp

Vibrating Bass
Genius HS-04V

Logitech is good too and has wireless ones (but need batteries). You can buy them straight from their website.,en

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Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

Screen Resolution? Computer Games?

Q. Ok so when i try to play the Sims or other computer games I always get the same warning: "The selected screen resolution is not optimal for this display device. Consider using 1280 X 800 to ensure the best viewing experience. Resolution Settings other then 1280 X 800 could result in fuzzy display." Which is true all the games are blurry or not sharp. Anyway, how do I solve this problem?

A. Games have a separate configuration area where you have to set the resolution that you want the game to run at. Your LCD screen has a recommended resolution of 1280x800, anything other than this resolution will not look as clear. So basically it's warning you of this when it switches to any resolution other than what is recommended by the manf of the LCD screen.

Go into the game graphics options and set the resolution to 1280x800 to resolve.

how to make computer game full screen?
Q. i just installed a game on my new laptop but for reason it doesn't go full screen does anybody know how make it full screen?

A. What game is it? Usually games have the fullscreen option in the game that you can turn on. if not, try:
Right click -> Create shortcut (if not already doing this on a shortcut)
Right click (on shortcut) -> Properties
"Shortcut" tab
change "Run" from "Normal" to "Maximized"

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Gaming Computer - Tight Budget?

Q. OK, my second Compaq notebook just broke, it was horrible for gaming so I'm done with those. I decided I'd go for a desktop this time. I honestly don't know that much about components to a computer, so customizing one isn't that likely without instruction. I'm also in search of a car, which leaves me with a tight spending budget for a computer. I'm guessing the absolute maximum I could afford a comuter for right now is $600-700. Please advise me to some good gaming computers that don't burn a huge whole in my wallet.

A. Here you go: Lucky for you I put one together for one of my friends. The only thing is, this is for the box only. Reuse your peripherals and buy a 19" CRT. That's the best budget screen I can think of.
This is from Zipzoomfly:

Item No. Description Qty Unit Price
10005207 Sony NEC Optiarc AWG170S-B2 18X SATA DVD Burner Black DVD±RW Bulk ***Free Shipping*** 1 $37.49

101220-12-RFB Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD2500KS 250GB Serial ATA II 7200RPM Hard Drive w/16MB Buffer Refurbished ***Free Shipping*** 2 Discontinued

249620 MSI K9VGM-V K8M890 Sempron/Athlon 64(FX)(X2) SktAM2 DDR2 M-ATX Motherboard w/Audio, LAN, Serial ATA Retail ***Free Shipping*** 1 $53.99

273015 Ultra ULT31586 Wizard Mini Tower Case (MS Blue w/ Blue UV) Retail ***Free Shipping*** 1 $45.99

273508 Antec BP500U Basiq 500W Power Supply Retail ***Free Shipping*** 1 $55.99

327727 MSI NX8600GT-T2D256E-OC GeForce 8600 GT Overclock 256MB PCI Express Video Card w/Dual DVI Retail 1 $115.98

80724-7 AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor 4000+ Socket AM2 (65W) Retail ***Free Shipping*** 1 $72.90

85236 OCZ OCZ2G8002GK 2GB Kit DDR2-800 PC2-6400 Gold Gamer eXtreme XTC Edition Dual Channel Memory Retail ***Free Shipping*** 1 $89.00

Estimated Subtotal $471.34
* Note! Subtotal provided does not include any tax or shipping fees that may apply.

The Hard Drives are discontinued but you know what to do. Just make sure its SATA.

You can always spend more or less on any component, but remember every part I listed is necessary or else the machine won't run. You can upgrade each component according to your budget. If you shop correct your money will go a long way. I'm giving my friend OS, so you can add 75-100 for Windows XP/Vista whatever. Your speed bottlenecks will always be CPU, Memory, Video Card. This is for a mid-level budget gaming system. Raid-0, decent Ram, decent CPU, above average Video Card for the money. If you need anymore help. Feel free to post another question on here directed to me :) I've built a ton of computers. For someone who talks about budgets and low experience, find your self a friend, put this one together and maybe we'll talk about OC'ing.

Get on DFI forums and talk to those guys, they're geniuses and friendly.

Don't listen to people who say Intel is faster than AMD. The Core Duo's maybe, but the last generation processors, AMD processors have a slower clock, but would run up and down Intel's backsides. Besides there's a lot more to a computer than just CPU clock speed, so many people I've seen have fast processors and no memory. Remember its a complete budget package and I have never assembled a computer for someone and they complained that it was too slow.

A good budget gaming computer?
Q. Hi, I'm looking for a budget gaming pc. I play a lot of minecraft, TF2, and a lot of other steam games. I was just wondering what kind of of would be good for a low(-ish) price. Thanks!

A. If those are the games you're playing, then a computer with AMD's A-series processors and the built-in APU would be fine.

But a MUCH better low-cost option is buying a Core i3 computer, then installing a separate graphics card. For example, buy this:

The add one of these (depending upon your budget):

Those are all low power consumption cards which work fine on the Dell's factory power supply. To install anything better than a Radeon HD 7750 you'd have to buy a new power supply, too.

Even the lowest-cost card (GeForce GT 430) gives you better performance than either AMD system, while the highest (Radeon HD 7750) can play Skyrim smoothly on medium settings.

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Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

why wont my desk top apple computer let me play games?

Q. so on my apple desk top when ever i went to play a game it wouldn't allow me to as it would say shock wave error and open safari in 32 bit mode, which i did and i also downloaded shockwave, so now the thing isnt stopping me from play.... but the fucking games wont show up!! any suggestions?

A. Perhaps it won't let you play games becuase you haven't done your homework (hehehe)

In IE (I don't use mac or Safari), you have to enable Shockwave in the Manage Addons tab perhaps Safari has a similar option.

Computer game question?
Q. I have a game and i lost the cd it came with, but i still have the install key. Is it possible to download the game and use the install key on it. If so please leave a link for me and the game is Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

A. yes you can.

you also need a program to download the torrent and mount the image.

Demon tools:

bit torrent:

Once you have the game downloaded, Its best to install the game to a folder on your desktop so you can find it quickly.

Open demon tools and select virtual CD/DVD-ROM click the drive the mount image.

Select the folder on you desktop where you installed the game.
And just open folders until you find the image, demon tools will only show you mountable files so dont freak out if you open a folder and it empty, Just keep looking.

After you mount the image, The new HD that showed up in My computer after installing DT will show the game image, Most times after that the auto play will pop up so just click install.
Be patient as sometimes it can take up to ten min to display the auto play.....But not that offton

A lot of the time the up loaders will include a "Read me" file, I recommend reading it before you install the game.

Depending on how old or new the game is, You might have a crack or other files necessary to make the game play.

This got me for the longest time cuz i had know idea what i was doing.
Now i do.
Just locate the cracks (Most ppl upload in a folder called "Cracks")
Open the game folder where you installed the game, And just look for the files that match the cracks.

Make a new folder, Call it back up or something.
Copy all the game files there just in case you mess up and have to start over.

Highlight the crack(s) and just past them in the game folder.
You should get a warning message asking if you want to replace the files, Just click yes.

After that you should be good.
Some times to actually play the game you need to click the start application from the game folder, And other times it will work strait off the desk top, Via short cut.


Playing games in this manor tend to crash the game more offton the if you were playing from the disk.
So save frequently.

Good luck...

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help on gaming computer?

Q. so i been trying to find a computer online for gaming, i want it to be decent and cost arround $700, i dont care about the monitor i just want it to come witha keyboard and mouse, i been looking on for about 2 months now but still cant find one, one time i found one but its out of stock now, if it can run almost any recent game like bf3 or far cry 3, crysis 3 on ultra settings it would be great.i have been lookin in iBUYPOWER , NEWEGG, ETC. please someone help me! i really dont want to build one

Good luck with that.....

Around $700 you are barely in the low budget gaming computer area....

Also, a gaming computer is NOT something you buy.
You either build it yourself or custom order from a reputable builder like AVA Direct, iBuyPower or CyberPowerPC

Here is the best low budget gaming PC you can build for around $750:

Yahoo answers will only allow up to 10 links, so I have to leave out the not so important components. Just copy paste in the search field on Newegg to find them, I will give the full name but no link for those.

Monitor, keyboard and mouse can add from $175 to over $500, depending on size and model you want.
All prices are in $USD and in the USA, current as of December 2012 and they might be slightly different one way or the other by now.
Also, some shipping charges may apply to some of the items.
Add your state sales tax if you reside in NJ, CA or TN - that's where Newegg has warehouses.
Look for similar parts on Amazon, Tiger Direct, etc if you want to avoid paying Uncle Sam.


Processor: Intel Core i3-3220 Ivy Bridge 3.3GHz LGA 1155 55W Dual-Core Desktop Processor - $119.99
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Pro3 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard - $94.99
After market CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper EVO - $35.99 (Stock Intel cooler sucks and it's noisy too)
Memory (RAM): G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM 1600MHz - $39.99
Graphics Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 650 Ti 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 - $149.99
Hard Drive: 500GB Seagate Barracuda SATA III (6.0Gb/s), 7200rpm - $59.99
Optical Drive: LITE-ON DVD Burner - Bulk Black SATA Model iHAS124-04 - OEM - $17.99
Power Supply (PSU): CORSAIR Builder Series CX600 V2 600W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply - $69.99
PC Case (Tower): Rosewill CHALLENGER Black Gaming ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $49.99
Operating System (OS): Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit OEM - $99.99

TOTAL: $747.90USD

Good luck with your build.

For only $10 more, you can get a better PC Case:
COOLER MASTER HAF 912 RC-912-KKN1 Black SECC/ ABS Plastic ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $59.99

Gaming desktop computer?
Q. i want to know what i would need to build a gaming DESKTOP computer under $700. i am really new to this kind of stuff. i am a console gamer, but i find it too easy and want more of a challenge. i know somewhat of the things i would need. such as a video card, motherboard, RAM, etc. but i am not sure what will give me the best performance for the money i am using. i will be looking to upgrade it later on in the future with faster and better performing things. but i really dont know what some of the things are used for. for example, what is the motherboard for, and why that one and not another. and if they are campatible with the other parts of the computer. also i want all performance, not really for the looks. so cheap affordable case would be nice that would last me a decent amount of time. ive also been doing research but there are a lot of mixed reviews about everything, and to a new guy like me, all these letters and numbers are confusing, so some explaination to some of the meanings of things that the parts have, would be very helpful, or if i could get a website where they give a good explaination about everything. i have read a few but they mostly just say what the item is and how much , but they dont explain how this could be better than any other part of the same price range and performance. i also will be mostly playing games such as battlefield, cod, halo (if it comes to pc), minecraft, runescape, skyrim etc. thank you so much, i am asking for a lot, i might as well ask if someone could build it for me. thanks!
also, i would even get the alienware x51, but i have a strong feeling that is might mostly be a rip off and not worth the money at all, all looks and no performance, but knowing if its any good would be great!

A. I checked Ironside. No bargain there.

A gaming computer is:
Case, Motherboard, Keyboard, Mouse, Power supply, CPU, Graphics card, cooling fans, DRAM, Operating system, Optical drive, HDD[s], audio output (speakers or headset), monitor/display or TV.
Gaming is mostly in the Graphics card.
Most show here:
and the CPU is on the first tab.
Gaming summary, is matching the nearest benchmarked card to this:
$720 gets this:
$700 gets this:
AMD FX-8120 3.1GHz is a bit of a waste because it has more cores than gaming can use, but it is OK. If building your own, FX-4100 is good enough and then try to unlock and overclock.
HDD is 1TB SATA II - would prefer Sata III
Has a decent AMD Radeon HD 6850 1GB
is a cheaper motherboard with Fast (10/100) ethernet instead of gigabit, 6 channel audio instead of 8.
The HD 7750 of the one costing $20 more is a lower grade graphics card. 5 channel audio and gigabit ethernet. I would get the $700 one first.

The Alienware X51 is next to impossible to upgrade because the case is too small.
The $700 and tax
2nd Generation Intel® Core� i3-2120 (3M Cache, 3.3 GHz) is no better than the newegg CPUs and probably a little lower in actual gaming. 1GB GDDR5 NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 545 is much lower than the HD 7750, and that is lower than the HD 6850. HDD is still SATA II they throw in a $25 wireless card. and use a $15 power supply 240W External Power
It is a P.O.S.
Not as good as a $530 one at Newegg.
A HD 6670 approximates GT 545
FX-4100 approximates Intel i3-2120
The PSU is better, includes a keyboard + mouse, and just a smaller HDD. The Alienware is worth $575 not $700
The HD 6670 is probably not strong enough for you. See the chart of gaming. It is about a GT 555M equal. You can build your own, but the $700 Cyberpower is made with about $650 worth of parts.
On Build your own, use HD 6850 or HD 6870 or HD 7770 or GTX 560 ti
Use an FX-4100 or i3-2120 or so
Find a decent 650Watt power supply
You pretty much match the $700 system with tweaking the numbers.
This kit at about $600 or so, is missing Windows 7 and only has the 128GB SSD, but is about right overall.
This one also
needs windows 7 and eventually a second HDD but is about right.

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Computer Science, Game Design minor?

Q. Is there such a thing? Truthfully, my passion is with video games and I want to work within the gaming industry. I feel that is where I will be most happy working everyday, it's my passion.

That being said, I'm on the fence and am not sure which way to jump. On one side, I want to major in Game Design so I can really polish my skills and build my portfolio on my own. I know I can do this myself through books and tutorials but I feel I kind of need that teacher that pushes me with deadlines and assignments to really succeed in accomplishing this.

On the other side, everyone says game design degrees suck, take computer science. Well for one, I suck at math and I'm pretty sure computer science requires some heavy math. I know a degree in Computer Science will open up more jobs, but will it really teach me what I want to learn in regards to Game Design? Is there a such thing as majoring in Computer Science and having a focus on some sort of Game Design?

Ontop of all this, I think I'd want to attend an online college if I decide to pursue a Game Design degree. I know Game Design degrees aren't going to get me anywhere but I feel it'll really help teach me what I need to learn in order to be accomplishing things on my own so I can build a portfolio. I have an associates in Computer Information Systems / Game Design from my community college but it's almost like they were all introductory courses. I learned a little bit about a lot of things but not enough that I can successfully build a portfolio.

If I do choose Computer Science, I would need to attend a real college in person. Here's the kicker, I did find ONE college, Santa Cruz, that offers a Computer Science : Computer Game Design Major. Check out the link:

Would that be something to pursue? Are there any other colleges I could look at that would have something similar? Sorry for the long post but I've been mulling over these decisions for the past month, I hope I can get some good answers and another perspective here.

Other schools I've been checking out include Bellevue University (online), Champlain in VT, and Becker in MA.
I think I may ultimately want to be a level designer, but I completely understand I could be starting out at QA and am satisfied with that. Even working my way up from QA and becoming a producer sounds intriguing to me.
I've always pictured myself working at a big company. EA, Activision, Naughty Dog, and all the others.

A. Honestly, it depends what you think "Game Design" means. A lot of people misinterpret the role, or don't know what it truly encompasses. My source page explains all the types of game designers, what they do, and how to prepare yourself if you want to be a game designer.

Do you want to be an indi game designer, create mods for game, or do you want to work for a big game company? Depending on what your goal is, you should prepare appropriately. I checked out the link you provided and it's really a computer science degree that they've titled "game design" in order to attract people that want to get into the game industry. They're teaching you computer programming, which is computer science, which is what you said you weren't sure about. Honestly though, computer science is a great major because you can find work in the software industry while trying to get into the game industry (which could take years of trying after you graduate from college).

They also have a couple courses in 3D modeling/animating under that degree, but it wouldn't be anywhere near enough preparation if you wanted to be a level designer, 3D modeler, or animator. If you want to be an animator/modelor/level designer, then you'd need a lot more art training.

People's eyes get big when they see a degree called "game design" when it's really nothing more than an already established degree, with your electives already chosen for you. So many people say the degree sucks because they find out it's not what they were expecting. A lot of people think they are going to be pitching ideas for games, get hired to do that by a game company, and make a living designing games right out of college. Doesn't happen that way. Check out my source for further info, and good luck.

Schools for game art and design?
Q. I am looking for potential schools for game art and design and I don't want to waste time and money on schools that wont get me anywhere.

Like Westwood or Devry Online- they claim to be good schools but I don't think the degree is going to land me a animation/designers job. Is it even worth the paper it's printed on?? If anyone out there has already graduated from there could you please tell me is it worth it? Were they able to land you a good job inside a video game company??

Westwood is asking for $72,000 and Devry wants $58,000 -- plus devry covers $10,000 in computer software for free.

I am strongly considering Columbia College or Devry for my degree but I just don't want to make the wrong costly decision. REMEMBER!!!!! I am not looking to waste MY TIME or MY MONEY.

Please anyone..... HELP!!!!!!!

A. actually my hubby is going to school for the same thing you are and he is going to devry. and they found him like 13 grand in grants that he doesn't have to pay back. he just finished his first semester and he loves it. he is going to become a game simulator or whatever. but i have a number for you Ceanna Stephens

Success Coach

DeVry University Online



and if she cant help you she will transfer you to someone who will all i ask is if you do go email me back with all your info cuz i get a free gift for referring people good luck

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Help me build a budget gaming computer?? 750-800 dollars.?

Q. i want to know what kind of parts i would need for a good gaming pc for 750-800 dollars PLZ i really need help with this

A. If you are looking to build a gaming computer 800 bucks is do-able and will give you a great powerful machine ... but spending closer to 1300 to 1500 will get you the best of the best.

What your looking for in a computer!

1. Ram (32 gig is plenty but you if you can find a motherboard / processor with more slots) I think theres 8 slots now? Try looking up things like '16GB DDR3-1600 Memory' or better

2. Processor (intel core i7 3820 processor (4x 3.60ghz / 10mb l3 cache) theres better out now.

3. video card (could be in motherboard or processor) adding a video card will speed up the computer. (look things up like:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2GB) or better

3. Cooling system (this is something you need for a fast computer)

4. Power supply (may sound dumb but more power your fan, cooling system, processor, motherboard blah blah blah uses you need a fan alone to cool down the power.)

5. Disk space ... may sound dumb but more space you have faster your computer will run. Also if you want to download movies, songs or even anything your game gives uploading or downloading within the game.

I play many games and new games like Diablo 3 or Guild Wars or even Skyrim ... can run on systems with very low settings running. Faster you are less it will lag and freeze on you.

There is only 2 reasons why you need a fast computer.

1. Animation / AutoCAD Drawings / 3D Studio Max, Photoshop or CorelDraw ... etc.

2. Gaming online, some games require more processor or ram etc but I tried diablo 3 on a 4 year old system yes it ran slow but it lagged 3 times. My laptop is 7-9 months old, in the computer world thats old. I have never had a problem with any game to date. I have never lagged, dropped out of a game. Diablo 3 I'm still finding glitches and not worth buying.

Diablo 3 is garbage and blizzard knows it. I only play how to help those who cant kill diablo on inferno, make real life money (i dont buy online like gear ... so I make more money ;))

Gaming Computer Help?
Q. hey
i want a gaming pc for 800 dollars
that can run lots of games full high settings
can u list parts and links for the newegg websites that all work together
u will get best answer :)
this is my first build and i am kind of lost so i need help

A. $800 isn't very much for a gaming computer these days, but a lot of it boils down to personal preference as well as parts you already have. Odds are that you already have a display that you can use, but even if you're looking to buy a new one, I can't tell you which one to buy because you may be willing to spend more money on a big screen than me.

The motherboard and processor are the most important things to look at. Right now Intel processors are the best for gaming, but a Core 2 Quad processor will cost you quite a bit and a Core i7 will cost even more. At the very least get a good Core 2 Duo. Whatever you choose, just make sure that your motherboard is made for your processor, or that your processor is made for your motherboard. For example, Core 2 Quads use an LGA 775 socket, so you would want to make sure that your motherboard also uses an LGA 775 socket. Your motherboard also needs to have an ATX form factor. Most desktop motherbaords are ATX though so don't worry about it too much. PCI-express is standard on most motherboards, but whether or not you care about having more than one PCI-express slot depends on whether or not you plan on having one or two graphics cards. A fast FSB (front-side bus) will help your processor perform better, but you need to balance its speed with your budget. For a gaming computer you'll probably want 4 slots. You'll probably only use one or two slots at first, but you may want to upgrade later.

If you buy a Core 2 Duo processor, you can probably get away with DDR2 memory, but if you buy a Core 2 Quad, make sure your motherboard supports DDR3 and that you buy DDR3 memory. You should have 2 GB at the minimum, but you could easily justify taking it up into the 4-8GB range.

SATA is standard in all computers now, so don't worry too much about checking for it on the motherboard, but do check to make sure that your hard drive supports SATA. The RPMs on your hard drive are also important. For a gaming computer make sure to get one that spins at 7200, but if you want even better performance, there are hard drives that spin at 10,000 or even 15,000 RPMs. 300 GB is more than I use right now, but hard drives easily go up above 1,000 GB (1 Terabyte) now, so choose a hard drive based on whether you plan on playing games or playing games and storing lots of DVDs on it.

Your graphics card is also extremely important, but can also be one of the most expensive parts. Lots of memory is good in a graphics card, but more important is the chipset it uses. Typically the higher number means a better card, but you may want to look it up for yourself because of how much of a difference it can make both in performance and in your wallet. The output of your graphics card is paramount. HDMI is great for some computer displays, especially because you can also use an HDTV with it, but maybe that's not important to you. DVI is pretty standard, but it's still something to check for if your display uses a DVI input. But maybe your display uses an older VGA connector. Check for it. If you plan on using two graphics cards, make sure it supports SLI for nVidia cards or Crossfire for ATI cards, and the two types are NOT compatible with each other.

A good DVD burner should be standard, and maybe you can cannibalize one from an older computer, but if feel like it's important, Blu-ray readers and even burners are available. Some Blu-ray readers are available for less than $100.

I've never gone super-extreme in building gaming computers, so for me a standard case and power supply is just fine, but make sure that your case is able to stay cool. Lots of fans don't necessarily mean that it'll keep your insides cool, and sometimes those fans just generate lots of extra noise. You'll also pay a premium for extreme designs. It's all up to you on what kind of case you want.

I realize I haven't given you a straight answer for anything, but the hunt for parts can be half the fun in building your own gaming PC, and hopefully you now know enough to customize your computer to your liking.

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Speculate on what programming languages might be like today if early computers were developed for Games etc.?

Q. Early computers were designed as electronic calculators to solve numerical problems. Speculate on what programming languages might be like today if these early machines were developed for a different purpose (e.g., word processing, robot control, game playing).

A. I reckon they'd be much the same.

A computer that plays games still needs all the functionality of a computer that computes the digits of Pi, or your annual taxes for instance. Therefore it would seem logical that the languages we would use to control a machine designed with games in mind would be much the same as the languages we use to control the machines we use in reality.

More than a difference in language itself, it's more a question of a difference in the evolution of different programming techniques. If computers were being used mostly for games, then it's possible that 3D graphics technology would have evolved faster than database technology or spreadsheet software for instance. Either way though, the basic instruction set required is identical.


Which is the best programming language to create computer games?
Q. I wanna create computer games, i'm a BCA student. I've learnt graphics in c programming language, and i've done some 16 bit games in c. But it runs so slower as code becomes larger. I want to create the 32 or 64 exe games.. So pls help me which language is best to create complex games? And pls tell me tutorial site of the language u suggest..

A. Which is the best programming language?
I think the answer is relative, because each prog language have their own advantage and disadvantage.
Ok, let's say c++ maybe the most used for any games. And it's quitely fast for games.
And good tutorial is containing in the game engine such as cryengine 3, unreal 4, and unity package for free and well documented around the net.
But if you need some basic just going with blender or netbean (java).

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Great gaming computer?

Q. I'm looking for a gaming computer that will run on full settings and will not be laggy. I mostly play Dayz and I want a computer that can handle that and a bunch of games easily. I don't know much about computers and I don't want to spend of 1200$

A. Yahoo answers will only allow up to 10 links, so I have to leave out the not so important components. Just copy paste in the search field on Newegg to find them, I will give the full name but no link for those.

BEST GAMING DESKTOP PC BUILD FOR THE MONEY (under $1,000.00USD for the tower only)
Monitor, keyboard and mouse can add from $175 to over $500, depending on size and model you want.
All prices are in $USD and in the USA, current as of December 2012 and they might be slightly different one way or the other by now.
Also, some shipping charges may apply to some of the items.
Add your state sales tax if you reside in NJ, CA or TN - that's where Newegg has warehouses.
Look for similar parts on Amazon, Tiger Direct, etc if you want to avoid paying Uncle Sam.


Processor: New 3rd generation Intel Core i5-3570K Ivy Bridge 3.4GHz (3.8GHz Turbo) LGA 1155 77W Quad-Core Desktop Processor - $214.99
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Pro3 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard - $94.99
After market CPU Cooler - Cooler Master V6 GT - $44.99 (Stock Intel cooler sucks and it's noisy too)
It has dual 120mm fans in a push-pull setup, best.
Memory (RAM): G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM 1600MHz - $39.99
Graphics Card: 1GB GDDR5 EVGA GeForce GTX560 Ti (Fermi) - $234.99
Or get the newer GTX 660 Ti, for around $280 and much better benchmark score.
Hard Drive: 1TB Seagate Barracuda SATA III (6.0Gb/s), 7200rpm, 64MB Cache - $69.99
Optical Drive: LITE-ON DVD Burner - Bulk Black SATA Model iHAS124-04 - OEM - $17.99
Power Supply (PSU): CORSAIR Builder Series CX600 V2 600W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply - $69.99
PC Case (Tower): COOLER MASTER HAF 912 RC-912-KKN1 Black SECC/ ABS Plastic ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $59.99
Operating System (OS): Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit OEM - $99.99

TOTAL PRICE: $947.90USD or around $1,000USD if you get the GTX 660 Ti GPU

Good luck with your build.

Rosewill CHALLENGER Black Gaming ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $49.99
That would lower your price by only $10, making it
TOTAL PRICE: $937.90

help with building a computer?
Q. I am going to be building a computer with help of a friend but want a computer that is crazy fast and will do anything i can throw at it please help need any and all advice if something wont work or something would be better let me know this will take a long time mostly for cost here is what i have so far

Hard Drive-
Western Digital Velociraptor 600 GB SATA III 10000 RPM 32 MB Cache Bulk/OEM 3.5 Inch Desktop Hard Drive - WD6000HLHX

EVGA 270-WS-W555-A2 Classified SR-2 Dual LGA1366 Xeon/Intel 5520/SATA3&USB3�.0/A&2GbE/HPTX Motherboard

Ram- (will have 12 for a total of 48gb)
Corsair Vengeance 12 GB ( 3 x 4 GB ) DDR3 1600 MHz (PC3 12800) 240-Pin DDR3 Memory Kit for Intel Core i7 SDRAM CMZ12GX3M3A1600�C9

EVGA GeForce GTX 580 1536 MB GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 2DVI/Mini-HDMI SLI Ready Limited Lifetime Warranty Graphics Card, 015-P3-1580-AR

Intel Core i7-950 3.06 GHz 8 MB Cache Socket LGA1366 Processor

Antec High-Flexibilit�y Gaming Case LanBoy Air Blue (not sure if everything will fit tho)

I am not sure what kinda power i will need and sound and networking not sure but will be glad for any and all advice you can give
Mugsy the only reason why i need that much is well i have no good answer I'm a guy why not lol and putting this much money into it make sure it can do anything

A. This two setups are faster and won't cost more.

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Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Do i need gaming equipment?

Q. When playing WOW i want to know if i need a good gaming computer, keyboard, mouse ect. Do i need them to be good and if they are really beneficial how do they help?

A. No, your computer doesn't necessarily need gaming equipment. The most important thing is to determine if your PC fulfills the min requirement

Good luck!

is this a computer game or game console?

A. This is not on the PC it is on XBox 360 (The game is available on PC however, if you read the comments the guy who posted the video explains the equipment they used:

"Equipment we used:
> 3 Xbox 360s (all were free of the ring of fire)
> 3 copies of the game Forza 2
> 3 TVs (in our case, we used 3 computer monitors that had Component input)
> 1 Network Hub, Switch, or Router
> 3 Ethernet Cables
> 1 Stereo System
> 1 Good Driver (watch the video & judge for yourself)
> On each 360, there is something in the menu that lets you designate the purpose of that Xbox (left, right, or center)
> 6 crazy guys."

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Computer Ram?

Q. I have a Inspiron 531 Dell computer which works rally good. But i want to make it faster becasue whne im multitasking it lags. Does anyone know what kind of Ram i should buy and does ram even make it faster. Also does anyone know the How much it would cost to buy this ram.

A. Increased RAM can make things faster. You can see if your computer can handle more RAM by going to and running a scan. No need to buy from them.

It's important to note that everything takes RAM. Not only security products (such as active anti-spyware, anti-virus and firewall) eat up memory but your operating system, active browser windows, running applications (such as Word, Gaming, Messenger, Photoshop, etc), graphic card and malware all compete for system resources. The presence of Malware (viruses, spyware, etc) will particularly eat up your system resources so you may want to run your resident security products such as antispyware and antivirus applications to ensure that your system is clean.

Computer Ram?!?!?
Q. I want to play World of Warcraft real bad on my computer, but when i try to download it on my computer, it says i need more ram. So, ram for my computer would cost about175 dollars, so i dont want to do that, but is there any way to free up ram on my computer? please post of any ways to clear up ram on your computer...??

A. This is tricky. Depending on the amount of RAM your computer, you might need to buy more ($30 for 512). I would suggest You could free up space with virtual memory. Virtual memory is EXTREMELY ineffective. If you need just a little boost, this might help. Go to the control panel, system, advanced tab, Preformance Virtual memory (first button), and then virtual memory size. Installing new RAM is easy. you should have an open slot. Make sure you have no other programs running when you run the game.

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Whats a good gaming computer for under 700?

Q. It needs to be able to run MODERN games like Call of Duty Black Ops and such. Crysis should be playable on MEDIUM settings.

I'm looking for a good prossesor and graphics card. I could care less about the brand though, AMD and Intel are both ok. Would prefer quad core but duel is okay.
MONITOR does NOT have to be included. So 700 and under just for the machine.

A. I have been researching this for a long time actually (read the source) so I already know the best deal on the market. Its a Dell computer. And BTW- how would you like a Hex-Core PC? :)
Your expectations to run Crysis at medium settings are gonna be humble- you are gonna be able to run it at a decent FPS at Max Settings.

EDIT ON COMPUTERNOOB ANSWER: The CPU is not that overpowered- and if it was- wouldnt that be better lol :)?. And like I said- the Radeon5450 is not top-of-the-line but is way more than adequate for his gaming needs. I dont understand this insane need in the gaming world to always have the best.

If he is looking for building his own computer, then you have a point- there would be no reason for not putting in a better GPU. And you need to know what you are doing to build your own computer. I don't recommend it for beginners.

The computer that I am recommending is the Dell Studio XPS 7100. Before I go into explaining this computer and why it is good, let me write the specs:

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium, 64Bit, English
CPU/Processor: AMD Phenom II X6 1045T
RAM/MEMORY: 6GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MHz - 4 DIMMS
HARD DRIVE: 1TB - 7200RPM, SATA 3.0Gb/s, 16MB Cache
2 Year Basic Service Plan
McAfee SecurityCenter, 15-Months

The Processor is a Six-Core processor. This processor is super fast. However, the Intel equivalent of this processor is like a Core i7-930 processor which is very fast.
The Memory is the next point. It is 6 Gigs of DDR3 Ram which is more than you need. I actually think that 4 Gigs are just fine. The memory runs at a clock speed of 1333MHz- Again- very good and from my benchmarks- it is low latency.
The GPU/Graphics Card is not the best... however I dont think it will pose any issue for a user like you as you dont even want to play games at HD Resolutions&Max Settings. And again- it is still a mid-line dedicated GPU which will provide very crisp, fast graphics.
The HD is a Serial-ATA HD running at 7200RPM (Great again)

What is also great is that it comes with a 2 year warranty...

I would also recommend searching for coupons like free shipping from dell...

Go to the link below for the computer link... If it doesnt work, go to and go to the Studio XPS 7100. Choose the standard package as that is what you need. The economy package is completely not adequate due to its mediocre Cpu and Gpu.


If you have any more questions, please write additional details and I will edit my post to answer them... This is unbeatable price and performance though so I would get it without hesitation.

Gaming computer under $700?
Q. Looking to build my own rig, I have nearly everything besides the tower (Case included) just need the parts (motherboard, power supply, graphics card, processor etc. etc.) any suggestions?

A. hi cory, motherboard is your choice asus is easier to use but intel offers so much more so buy one that has a lot of power. because you will need the extra power in your chipset. now this is important stay away from quad I recommend this processor an intel i7 960. amd is a lot more complicated and to buy the right one is a pain. I believe in intel and a 960 is a good gaming processor not unless you want to go with a 980 or a 990 lot more money. now I subscribe to pcworld magazine and they claim that all pro gamers are going to two video cards they are intel 250 to 280 and a Nvidia GeForce 9800gtx proven to keep killer graphics plus keeping your computer cooler. this is important the high powered video cards will check you into crash and burn hotel and it's cold and lonely there. now the rest is your choice but here is something to remember buying your power supply from the same company is important and sony has the best hard drive. your dvd burners should also be from sony not unless you are going blue ray they are sharp but they are expensive and hard to fit in your case. now I know that you mentioned building your own computer and that is admirable but I recommend that you get a computer repairman to build it for you he gets his parts from a warehouse and not mail order his parts are a lot more dependable plus he can give you some more options that I don't have the room to mention. good luck I hope I was helpful to you

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Game crashes on start-up?

Q. I bought and downloaded a game from Steam. - Football Manager 2012
The only problem is when I load it up, the openning messages come and just before the main menu, it crashes to the desktop and the game disapears.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? :)
I have a pretty new computer and other games work fine on it. Acer Aspire 552.
4gb ram, 2.00 GHz ect.

A. What is your computer specs mainly the GPU and CPU.

You still left out what your graphics processing unit is. That is the most important part when it comes to gaming. And being new has nothing to do about it. Your specs are already lacking with most games. As 4gb of ram is just about minimum requirements. And most games require dual core processors with at least 2.4ghz clock speeds per core. So just by the vague information you gave I can pretty much see what the problem is. But most of this can be okayed if you have a decent video card to back it up. Which almost every computer you can buy at retail stores do not have.

Here are the Minimum Requirements for this game:
PC Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/W7
Processor: XP � 1.4GHz or Faster, Vista/W7 � 2.0GHz or Faster. Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, AMD Athlon.
Memory: XP � 512MB RAM, Vista/W7 � 1.0GB RAM
Graphics: 128MB
Supported Chipsets � Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater.
Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer Mode and are not supported.
Earlier cards may require the DirectX 9.0 SDK is installed to run the game. This can be downloaded from the following url: DirectX Software Development Kit
Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported.
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 2GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
LAN: TCP/IP compliant

So it really is going to come down to your video card as that is the only part you have not passed so far.

What are the best parts for a gaming computer?
Q. I'm looking for the best parts for a gaming computer so that I can get all of it off of ebuyer and build my computer but i'm not too sure what are the best things to have. I want to be able to play Garry's mod, Minecraft, Left 4 Dead 2, Lego games, Sumotori Dreams and World of Warcraft. I also want to record videos and put them on Youtube and eventually become a partner.. So what are the best parts for the computer and what is the best recording software?

A. Tom's hardware provides very good comparison guides for most components and even low, mid and high end build guides that you could take in total.,3107.html,3106.html,1/Motherboards,2/,1/Memory,3/,3280.html

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computer games?

Q. wut r some good comp games to buy that dont need windows vista?

A. You do not need Vista for any game right now because game makers have not made any titles exclusively for Vista.

So if you have XP, you will be able to play any PC titles out there as long as your computer is fast enough to handle them.

Here are some great titles for older/slower PCs:
*Unreal Tournament 2004 - A shooting game, i believe it is better than Halo.
*Half Life 2 - Great shooting/adventure game.
*Call of Duty 1&2 - World War II shooters
*Rome:total War - One of the best strategy games ever made.
*Counter-Strike: Source: Best online shooter
*Psychonauts: the best 3d platformer i have ever played. a funny game too.

Here are some titles for newer/faster PCs:
*Crysis - Shooting game with the best graphics right now.
*Call of Duty 4: a modern shooter, set in middle east
*Hitman Contract: you play as a Hitman, great stealth actions

Is this computer good for gaming?
Q. I just want to know if this pc can handle some modern games.
What about this one?
Or this one

A. that computer would handle game just fine. Ever think to build your own pc so you can get more for your money?

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Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

How do I Use Wii/Xbox Controllers For My Computer Game?

Q. Hiya. I'm using a downloaded game that my friend linked for me. It's fun, but I can't quite get the controls to flow like I'd want it to. I heard you could use an Xbox 360 controller by plugging in the charger to the URB port in your computer. I did that, and it asked to download some new software. I did that, then nothing else happened after that. If it would be any easier, I also have a "Wii classic controller" I can use. I don't know how to set my game to make it usable for my controllers. Here's a screenie of what I'm using.
Typo: USB Port. I feel like an idiot. ._.

A. You cannot plug in a wireless 360 controller into a computer with its charger cable. Your gunna have to buy this:
You can find those around best buy and ect. Also, wired 360 controllers DO work with their USB cable plugged in a comp. If you have one of those laying around then that will fix your problem.

As for the Wii Classic controller. Your gunna need a wireless bluetooth adapter. Search up "Connecting the wii mote to computer" or something like that on google or youtube. Im not sure about Wii Classic Controller working with those techniques, but I do know that the wiimote can work as a pc controller(and pointer).

Truthfully, you should probably just buy a new usb controller or get used to your mouse and keyboard. You may just save up more money doing that.

PS: don't forget that Google is your friend. Searching up tutorials on how to do this stuff and what controllers you could buy helps alot.

How do I get my Xbox 360 Controller to work for my computer games?
Q. I plug the xbox 360 controller up but its not working

A. If you have a wired controller and a newer windows PC, it should work immediately. If you have an older PC (prior to Windows XP) you may have to download the xbox360 wired controller drivers from the Microsoft website.

if you have a wired controller and a plug'n'charge kit IT WILL NOT WORK.

All xbox 360 wireless controller require the Microsoft USB gaming receiver to connect the controller to the computer. When a wireless controller is used with the charge and play kit, it only charges the battery, it does not provide any data connection to computer whatsoever and cannot be altered to do so.

If you have a wireless controller you need this:

On the wireless receiver you also will need to install the software it comes with to allow the wireless controller to function.

These tips only work on the official Microsoft controllers. If you have a 3rd party controller, you may not be able to do it at all.

I have my wireless controller connected to my Mac (which is much harder to do being as Apple and Microsoft do not play nice) and use it almost everyday to play games.

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