Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

what are cool computer online games?

Q. I would like to now some cool computer online games like dead frontier combat arms or vindictus.

A. It sounds like you're a FPS fan, so my all-time fav for computer is Battlefield 2142. It's kinda outdated graphics wise, but it's still pretty cool. It's main focus is vehicles, and it's strictly online. There isn't any campaign, but the gameplay ROCKS. My favorite game mode is called Titan. There are too HUGE gunships in the air that have shields and a hull. There are three ways to destroy the enemy ship. You can capture control points on the ground, which, when in your teams control, can fire missles every 3 minutes at the enemy ship. 2, you can take a smaller gunship from your teams Titan and confront the enemy Titan. Or, once you've destroyed the enemy Titan's shield, you can take the battle inside their Titan. If you manage to battle your way through your enemies defences, you can destroy the enemy titan from the inside by attacking it's reactor. Then, once it's blowing up, you have 30 seconds to escape the Titan. Vehicles include Walkers, Jeeps (very similar to Halo's Warthog), Armed Transports (with escape pods used to launch yourself onto the enemy Titan), Tanks, and Hover Tanks, There are also Transport Gunships (also with escape pods) and Attack Gunships. When you begin the game, there are only 4 kits (Assault, Support, Recon, and Engineer.) Each contain a primary weapon and a pistol, except for the Engineer class, which contains a Rocket Launcher and a SMG. As you level up (you get a point for each kill, capture, or 1 for every 2 assists) you get to choose upgrades for your kits. Upgrades are an assortment of weapons and equipment. One of my favorite things about the game is the price- a one time fee of $15 off of eastore.ea.com (as long as you get the downloaded version, if you get the disc based version you'll have to pay shipping as well. (obviously XD) hope your= try this came out. If so, add me, my user is Nero256.

what are the best computer/online games?
Q. I want to start playing more games but i don't know what's good. I just finished playing Mad Father (RPG game) and I also like Battlefield, Sims 3, Diner Dash, COD, RPG games, Heavy Rain, and The Last of Us. Pretty much the main thing i look for is a good storyline and the graphics but if it's just a simple game that's good too. What are some good computer/online games????

A. The Witcher 1 & 2 are quest based games with monsters fighting in them.

The Darksiders series are great and now is a great time to start as they are releasing 3 next year some time.

Being a girl you may be attracted to Laura Croft or Tomb Raider series, I am a guy and thought the last one was fantastic.

Just Cause 2 is a game I like when I just want to blow of steam, it is mostly just blowing stuff up and shooting people, not much of a story line though.

I personally really like playing the Metro Series, Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light Kind of hard to describe you may want to go to youtube and look them up, basically they are post apocalyptic survival
horror games set it ruined Russia.

I know a lot of girls (And guys) enjoy the Portal Series you may want to look those up and if you do get them prepare to think.

I hope this helps, have fun with whatever you get.

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