Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

What are some GOOD CHEAP gaming computers?

Q. i need a good cheap gaming computer!!!!! any ideas?? please leave a link to where i can go and research it! thanks!

A. The most important thing for a gaming computer is the graphics chip, so you need a good one. This chart compares the performance of many common graphics chips. Gaming performance would be pretty good for any GPU appearing in the top 85 or so on that list.


You don't need the world's most powerful CPU to run games --you don't need a super expensive CPU, or a quad core --but you do need a CPU that supports your graphics chip sufficiently, one that's fast enough to run the graphics chip at something near it's full performance, without presenting a major bottleneck.

Among newer CPUs, the Intel dual core i3 and i5 processors are very good for gaming. Any CPU appearing in the top 55 or so on this list should be good for gaming.


So, for example, here's an Acer with a Radeon 5650 GPU (number 43 on the graphics card list), and a i5-430M (2.26GHz) CPU (number 38 on the processors list), for $800. I normally wouldn't recommend Acer laptops, but for that price range, the specs are very good --it would undoubtedly run games.


Are there cheap gaming computers out there?
Q. Hi, thanks for taking the time to look at this question.

I'm looking for a cheap gaming computer that I don't have to assemble myself. I've PC gamed in the past but nothing extensive, and for the past couple years or so I've been exiled to console gaming. My budget would not exceed 200 dollars.. unfortunately money is tight.

Any information would be most appreciated.

Thanks again.

A. any gaming computer that you assemble isnt going to be cheap.
MOST gaming computers that you assemble yourself aren't cheap and anything that's cheap means it won't play games, self assembled or not.

for $200 you can't even buy a PS4.
if you seriously have such a small budget your best thing to do is stick with console gaming. console gaming is much cheaper than PC gaming however you don't get the highest level graphics possible. PC gaming is expensive but you get the latest technology as soon as it's released. for a gaming computer that can handle new games, expect to pay close to $1000.

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