Q. Hi, I have a Dell computer that allows it's buyers to play several games for 60 minutes only, can you tell me how to make that time period longer? I really like this game " Trade winds" but I am done with the Demo. I don't wanna buy it I just wanna play it more. I saw similar question on yahoo! answers but I can't find it. Can the guy who gave that answer help me out? plzz
A. It's not the computer stopping you but the source itself. I get the same all the time playing games on yahoo, it's annoying. I use Limewire as a peer to peer download site, you can find and download most of these online games there and install them. Some need to be unzipped but 75% of the time the game works and it's the full version
Why doesn't Yahoo! Answers have a "computer games" section?
Q. There certainly plenty of sections that sort of overlap that. "Computers & Internet" overlaps a little, but that's mainly troubleshooting. "General - Entertainment & Music" overlaps a little, and you could post computer game questions there simply because it's vague. "Video & Online Games" comes closest, but the trouble is, that includes all games from simple games on cellphones to the various 7th generation consoles. Even "online games" doesn't necessarily mean a computer game, since there's XBox Live and Wii Channels these days. And yet, there's a huge supply of questions people might have for computer games, from the simplest games from the early 80s to the newest ones. Plus, with the other online games, perhaps the category "online computer games" should be included, to include the various single player, miltiplayer, and MMORPS that people play on computers, and differentiate these games from games played over the internet on consoles.
Is there anything I can do to possibly persuade Yahoo! Answers to make a separate category for Computer Games?
Is there anything I can do to possibly persuade Yahoo! Answers to make a separate category for Computer Games?
A. Even though there are some computer games out there, most gaming are on consoles (psp3, Wii, etc) now. Y/A though they could put all gaming under one category. :)
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