Q. Hey I'm mark and I want to make a gaming computer, I have NO idea on where to start but my step brother is going to help me out once I got all the parts I need. Now I only have a budget of $600 or so to make a good gaming computer from scratch. I need to know, What to get, Where to get it, And if it can run on windows 7 64-bit. And also could I take my current computers hard drive and move it into my new computer, it has 500gb of memory max.
A. My first gaming computer cost about $920, and it can still run just about everything on max settings. With hardware prices coming down so far, you could probably build an ok system for near $600, you just need to know where to get your parts. Having the hard drive already helps a lot. newegg.com has never done me wrong. Great prices and very well organized site with a trustworthy rating system. Click "shop all stores" and go into "computer hardware", then find all of the individual parts that you need.
To build a gaming computer you need the following:
Processor + heatsync
Power Supply
Hard Drive
Disk Drive
Graphics Card
-I've built computers in the past around processors. For a Gaming computer I recommend at least a 3 core processor at 2.8ghz+. The processor and the graphics card are the two parts you should spend the most on. A processor will almost always come with a heat sync, but if you want to overclock your processor you may want to add a custom cooling unit (I do not generally recommend this). If you wish to run either mac or Linux on your computer along with windows, I recommend an Intel processor, but if you only want to run windows, I recommend AMD. The only real benefit you would have in spending more on an Intel would be compatibility with Unix based OSs, which are useless for gaming.
-Next, I find a motherboard that has the appropriate processor socket that lists support for your processor Wattage and type. There are usually too many components to a motherboard to be too specific, but just make sure it's compatible with what you need and has a good rating for its price.
- You may find a motherboard you like and choose RAM to go with it, or find RAM and choose a motherboard that is compatible with your processor. The higher the number of the ram's DDR, the faster it'll go. Standard at this point is now DDR3, but some computer run as fast as DDR5 or more. For a gaming computer I recommend no less than 6GB of RAM, but for most games RAM requirement is not very high.
- The Graphics card is the most crucial bottleneck of your gaming computer. They're very complicated and have many specs. You will probably spend more on the card than on your processor. My graphics card is 1GB 256bit DDR3 NVidia with 700MHz core clock speed and I'm able to run most new games on max graphics settings. Normally you can trust the reviews of how good a card is, but you'll generally get what you pay for. Just make sure you have the right PCI port to run the card you choose. Also make sure you get one with the outputs you need, HDMI, VGA, or DVI.
- Power supplies can be complicated, but newegg has a great feature that calculates the wattage you'll need for your computer. It's under "Computer Hardware", the last option on the far right, "Power Supply Wattage Calculator". Fill out the info, get your wattage, find a high rated power supply with that wattage. easy-peasy
- Don't spend too much on a case, just make sure your stuff will fit. parts are usually the right size, you just need the right number of ports for hard drives and disk drives. If you have an existing case you want to use, go for it.
- Get a disk drive, a burner might be nice, not a big deal.
- As far as the hard drive goes, just format the drive to wipe all the data and it shouldn't give you too many problems. You might have to find a SATA cable to hook it up to a new motherboard if you don't have one.
- Most new hardware will just run 64 bit by default, but you'll want to verify that your processor will run it. If it's 3 cores or more, it probably will.
Good luck!
To build a gaming computer you need the following:
Processor + heatsync
Power Supply
Hard Drive
Disk Drive
Graphics Card
-I've built computers in the past around processors. For a Gaming computer I recommend at least a 3 core processor at 2.8ghz+. The processor and the graphics card are the two parts you should spend the most on. A processor will almost always come with a heat sync, but if you want to overclock your processor you may want to add a custom cooling unit (I do not generally recommend this). If you wish to run either mac or Linux on your computer along with windows, I recommend an Intel processor, but if you only want to run windows, I recommend AMD. The only real benefit you would have in spending more on an Intel would be compatibility with Unix based OSs, which are useless for gaming.
-Next, I find a motherboard that has the appropriate processor socket that lists support for your processor Wattage and type. There are usually too many components to a motherboard to be too specific, but just make sure it's compatible with what you need and has a good rating for its price.
- You may find a motherboard you like and choose RAM to go with it, or find RAM and choose a motherboard that is compatible with your processor. The higher the number of the ram's DDR, the faster it'll go. Standard at this point is now DDR3, but some computer run as fast as DDR5 or more. For a gaming computer I recommend no less than 6GB of RAM, but for most games RAM requirement is not very high.
- The Graphics card is the most crucial bottleneck of your gaming computer. They're very complicated and have many specs. You will probably spend more on the card than on your processor. My graphics card is 1GB 256bit DDR3 NVidia with 700MHz core clock speed and I'm able to run most new games on max graphics settings. Normally you can trust the reviews of how good a card is, but you'll generally get what you pay for. Just make sure you have the right PCI port to run the card you choose. Also make sure you get one with the outputs you need, HDMI, VGA, or DVI.
- Power supplies can be complicated, but newegg has a great feature that calculates the wattage you'll need for your computer. It's under "Computer Hardware", the last option on the far right, "Power Supply Wattage Calculator". Fill out the info, get your wattage, find a high rated power supply with that wattage. easy-peasy
- Don't spend too much on a case, just make sure your stuff will fit. parts are usually the right size, you just need the right number of ports for hard drives and disk drives. If you have an existing case you want to use, go for it.
- Get a disk drive, a burner might be nice, not a big deal.
- As far as the hard drive goes, just format the drive to wipe all the data and it shouldn't give you too many problems. You might have to find a SATA cable to hook it up to a new motherboard if you don't have one.
- Most new hardware will just run 64 bit by default, but you'll want to verify that your processor will run it. If it's 3 cores or more, it probably will.
Good luck!
Tips to Sim's 3 Computer Game?
Q. Any Tips on the Computer Game Sims Three?
A. hire are some use full tips :
Easy money
Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simoleons.
Saving money
No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it the same day you got it you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of all your money.
Easy Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening skills
This trick requires a TV with a Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channel and a video game system. Have a Sim sit down and watch television. Switch the TV over to one of the previously mentioned channels so that the Sim can start earning his or her skill point. Then, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games. Notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as they please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic and Cooking skills will continue to rise. If you keep repeating the steps until each skill channel has been viewed, the Sim will keep learning the three skills as he or she goes on about their daily life, and four when doing skill activities.
Free bookcase skills
Buy a bookcase, then have your Sim begin to study. Interrupt the action so that the book is placed on the ground. Sell the bookcase. The book can now do everything the bookcase could have done for free.
Increasing chance to have baby boys
Have a pregnant female Sim eat apples to increase the chance of having a boy.
Increasing chance to have baby girls
Have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons to increase the chance of having a girl.
Increasing chance for multiple babies
To increase the chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment.
Making friends
Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips". People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.
Disable aging
Instead of using a cheat code to toggle "aging on" and "aging off" like in The Sims 2, you can de-activate the age in "Game Options" under "Options". When you uncheck the box next to "Aging", your Sims will no longer become older. You can also slow aging down in this menu by setting the "Lifetime" bar. It can be set from 25 days to 960 days.
Avoiding death
Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush". Harvest the flower from it, and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die, that Sim will give the flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although the flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has Level 7 Gardening, they can plant the "Unknown Special Seeds" found in the graveyard and some other places that have a chance to grow as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant may help.
New clothes
To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once there, click "Plan Outfit". You can put a total of three different clothes for each type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.).
Strange faces
There is a glitch in Create-A-Sim mode that allows to you to make very strange faces. Go to the face designing area. Select a face part such as the eyes, and max out all the sliders one way or the other. Then, go to a different face part, and select one of the predesigned parts. Return to the eyes. The sliders will have reset to the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. You can then continue to max out the size of the eyes and repeat. You can make eyes the size of dinner plates, very long cheekbones, huge noses, and more.
Hording pizza
Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza deli
Easy money
Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simoleons.
Saving money
No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it the same day you got it you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of all your money.
Easy Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening skills
This trick requires a TV with a Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channel and a video game system. Have a Sim sit down and watch television. Switch the TV over to one of the previously mentioned channels so that the Sim can start earning his or her skill point. Then, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games. Notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as they please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic and Cooking skills will continue to rise. If you keep repeating the steps until each skill channel has been viewed, the Sim will keep learning the three skills as he or she goes on about their daily life, and four when doing skill activities.
Free bookcase skills
Buy a bookcase, then have your Sim begin to study. Interrupt the action so that the book is placed on the ground. Sell the bookcase. The book can now do everything the bookcase could have done for free.
Increasing chance to have baby boys
Have a pregnant female Sim eat apples to increase the chance of having a boy.
Increasing chance to have baby girls
Have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons to increase the chance of having a girl.
Increasing chance for multiple babies
To increase the chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment.
Making friends
Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips". People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.
Disable aging
Instead of using a cheat code to toggle "aging on" and "aging off" like in The Sims 2, you can de-activate the age in "Game Options" under "Options". When you uncheck the box next to "Aging", your Sims will no longer become older. You can also slow aging down in this menu by setting the "Lifetime" bar. It can be set from 25 days to 960 days.
Avoiding death
Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush". Harvest the flower from it, and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die, that Sim will give the flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although the flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has Level 7 Gardening, they can plant the "Unknown Special Seeds" found in the graveyard and some other places that have a chance to grow as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant may help.
New clothes
To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once there, click "Plan Outfit". You can put a total of three different clothes for each type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.).
Strange faces
There is a glitch in Create-A-Sim mode that allows to you to make very strange faces. Go to the face designing area. Select a face part such as the eyes, and max out all the sliders one way or the other. Then, go to a different face part, and select one of the predesigned parts. Return to the eyes. The sliders will have reset to the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. You can then continue to max out the size of the eyes and repeat. You can make eyes the size of dinner plates, very long cheekbones, huge noses, and more.
Hording pizza
Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza deli
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