Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

what can i do if my game The Sims 2 won't start and it says that :?

Q. : "failed to find any DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in this system! please make sure you have a DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest drives provided by the manufacturer. the application will now terminate."

A. I had this exact same message last year, every time I tried to load the game. It went on for months! After a very lengthy back-and-forth exchange between EA Customer Support and myself (and I think I probably know the name of every EA Customer Support rep in India!), and jumping through a lot of hoops, and going through a whole heap of computer configurations, I finally took my computer into a repair shop, plopped it down on the counter, and told them, "I can't play my Sims!!"

Turned out my video card was blown. (There was a lot of other stuff wrong with my machine, but that's the one that caused the error message you're referring to.)

My suggestion would be to start with EA Customer Support:


Some of the agents are actually kind of knowledgeable, and there are a few things you can try, like downloading the drivers for your video card, and updating your version of DirectX, before you run out and replace your video card.

How do I get a ccl license in new Mexico ?

A. ?
CCLCAC (Common Access Card) Cryptographic Logon
CCLCenter for Creative Leadership
CCLCreative Commons License
CCLCarnival Cruise Lines
CCLClimate Change Levy
CCLCommerce Control List
CCLCommon Command Language
CCLContaminant Candidate List (United States)
CCLCarrier Common Line (telecom)
CCLChild Care Licensing
CCLCommission Canadienne du Lait (Canadian Dairy Commission)
CCLCouple-to-Couple League (for Natural Family Planning)
CCLComputational Chemistry List
CCLCenter for Connected Learning
CCLChemokine C-C Motif Ligand
CClCommission for Climatology (WMO)
CCLCopper Clad Laminate (printed circuits)
CCLCanadian Children's Literature
CCLCommonwealth Countries’ League (UK)
CCLCross Campus Library (Yale)
CCLCommodity Control List
CCLCambridge Consultants Ltd
CCLCouldn't Care Less
CCLCentral Coalfields Limited (India)
CCLCommunication Certification Laboratory
CCLCrazy Cat Lady (Internet slang)
CCLConcealed Carry License (concealed weapon permit)
CCLCardiac Catheterization Laboratory
CCLConnection Control Language
CCLCoupled Cavity Linac
CCLCommon Carrier Line
CCLCommunity College League
CCLCenter for Constitutional Litigation
CCLChurch Copyright Licence
CCLConstruction Completion List (EPA)
CCLCyber Control Language
CCLCommand Control Language
CCLCataract, Coppock-Like
CCLCommunications Control Language
CCLCasing-Collar Log (Drilling Industry)
CCLConcentric Canister Launcher
CCLCalling Party Clear Signal
CCLContinuous Communications Link
CCLContamination Control Line
CCLClosed Circuit Loop
CCLCombat Configured Load
CCLCircuit Consultants Ltd (UK)
CCLClosed Conference Loop
CCLCosta Container Lines SpA
CCLConfiguration Control Logic (NASA)
CCLContracts Consultancy Ltd (UK)
CCLCenter for Creative Learning, Inc (St. Louis, Missouri)
CCLcommunications/computer link (US DoD)
CCLCommonality Candidate List (NASA)
CCLClu Clu Land (video game)
CClContinental Celtic (linguistics)
CCLClose Combat Light
CCLCandidate Code List
CCLClan Co-Leader (gaming)
CCLClarence Cook Little Building (University of Michigan)
CCLCoating and Chemical Lab
CCLColor Calibrated Laser (color proofing, printing industry)
CCLCascaded Control Loop
CCLControl Center Language
CCLCapacitor Coupled Logic
CCLCatholic Council of Lesotho
CCLCentury Consultants Ltd
CCLCentral CO2 Laboratory
CCLCable Coupling Link
CCLCentral Configuration Lab
CCLCommand and Control Laboratory (US DoD)
CCLCritical Components List
CCLCommand Center Laboratory
CCLControl Code Locator
CCLCookbook Collector's Library (publishing house)
CCLConcurrent Common LISP
CCLCustom Certification Laboratory
CCLChannel Carrying Last
CCLCitizens Climate Lobby
CCLConfiguration Control Letter
CCLCognition Consulting Ltd (New Zealand)
CCLCell Coverage Layer (telecommunications)

Please note this is Travel Mexico (the country and not the state of New Mexico, USA.

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