Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

Is this a decent gaming computer for diablo 3?

Q. I am interested in buying the computer below:

But before i purchase it, I have a few questions. I picked this computer because i wanted a computer that would run diablo 3 pretty well, with hardly any lag. I am not a hardcore gamer, so really the only pc game that will be downloaded on here is diablo. Do you think this computer will run diablo 3 well with no lag? Is the graphics card good? and does it have enough memory? Feel free to give me other suggestions on computers that may be around the same price if not cheaper and still be at the same level, if not a little better! thanks so much! i am clueless when it comes to this stuff!

A. That should do fine, Diablo 3 doesn't take much of anything to run on the highest settings. Also, even if it can't, you literally won't be missing out on much. Look up Diablo 3 Lowest vs Highest settings comparisons, the only difference is the anti-aliasing (it makes edges look smoother), physics (which are only there for eye candy really), and useless skeletons that lie on the ground. You wouldn't be missing much.

Switching Diablo 3 computers?
Q. I purchased Diablo 3 on another computer. But now I got my new one. How do I download the game to this computer? It only gives me the option to install the client:( Help please?

A. were did you get game from? some places online are account based and so you go to that site and redownload the game. if you have the cd you should be able to download it onto your new computer. if you got it online i would send a message to that company who you got it from thru there forums and ask.

i know steam and orgin(ea). once you get a game you have unlimited downloads. being that in order to play you have to log into the account first. (if not playing online then you can play the same game on all computers) you just have to log into steam in offline mode. as far as online goes steam only lets one computer on at a time.

as the guy above said even if your friend does not have it installed you can still install it. (just takes longer then from a cd) and you can then play it. when you leave your friends house just make sure to delete out your login pw. or make sure he does not know it, and he wont be able to play unless he gets his own key.

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