Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Can I use many accounts to participate on yahoo answers different person?

Q. Okay, if in one house got 4 children's and all of them register the yahoo account from same computer on the closing time, all of them log in to yahoo answers on the same computer on different time, will their accounts get terminate?

A. Only one account id can be used on questions and answers. If they each have their own email address, then yes they can. As long as they are not using the accounts to Point Game with each other. That is a fine line, because it shows up as the same isp address. Looks like someone with many accounts.

What % do you think use the computer mostly for gaming?
Q. I see a lot of question here in Yahoo Answers about gaming computers and about the best graphic cards for gaming.
That's why I'm asking.

A. hi no one, i would say that it is 80%is into gaming where as the twenty percent is just a media junkie that is mostly into movies and music. ans the questions ask is to improve their games and the amazing thing is that there from all over the world and across the globe. so it is very enteresting the way it goes but about five percent is into computer repair and i am one of the five percent i find it very enteresting understanding computers rather than to use one so dig this i know more about gaming than an actually gamer does. so if they want to know about gaming i can tell them what makes and models to use than if i was playing the game. but it makes me remember i was at work and a guy walked up to a guy i work with and he said i got one for you so he rattled off a bunch of numbers that took him five minutes to ask and he said do you know the answer the this friend of mine replied that's easy the anwser is. good luck i hope i was helpful to you

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