Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

is my computer a gaming pc?

Q. i wanna find out if fellow pc gamers consider my pc to be a gaming pc. computer specs:

sapphire amd radeon HD 6950 2gb graphics card
intel core i5 2310 2.90ghz
gigabyte ha65m-ud3h-b3 motherboard
8gb of ram 2x2gb and 1x4gb
7.1 creative sound card

so is it?

also i would really like some advise on how to improve my specs

A. Yeah I would call it a gaming PC, you got a pretty nice machine there. Better than mines even. You can run just about every game out on the market right now on high settings with smooth performance.

Good card
Decent cpu
8 gigs is good
What OS are you using by the way? vista or Windows 7? So long as it not XP since it doesn't support DX11.

You don't need to upgrade anything really, maybe the cpu, but your solid for the next year or two at least. You could go CrossFire (SLI for Nvidia cards) assuming your mobo has two pci-express slots but that's going for enthusiasts levels as you would need some serious cooling system to keep it from overheating and a new PSU. Also if your case is big enough to fit another card inside. But as I said before that going into Enthusiasts levels, you have a good machine as it is.

why should i change from console to a pc gaming computer ?
Q. i need some help i wanna give up ps3 and 360 and change to pc but idk if i should i love graphics and awesome game play but pc has limited games so idk what do u think
what kind of games can i get for pc i see alot of rpg what about shooters and racing games

A. pc games are ALWAYS more advanced than console games. in fact, every time you buy a console game you are helping to slow the evolution of technology because consoles are so far behind that developers have to simply exclude many new features that they could otherwise use on PC. not to mention my company can build a custom gaming PC that would smash any console any day for about $400-$600. On top of that, once you get used to it, you cannot beat mouse-look (its a fact, not opinion, mouselook is much more precise). PC games also offer many more mods and unique accessories such as the OCZ NIA, which actually lets you control video games with your mind (its not a joke, I own one and it works). As far as variety, most games that are available on console are also available on PC, there are not very many console-exclusive titles, there are many more PC-exclusive titles due to the nearly endless capabilities of the computing power of a PC.

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