Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Playing Xbox 360 Games on a computer monitor?

Q. Hey guys, first of all, it is possible to play and xbox 360 on a computer monitor right? And can you please tell me which monitor would be the best, including crisp clear graphics, and around 100-150 dollars? Thank you very much.

A. I use Dell ST2010 for my xbox 360. It's a little small, but then I sit really close to it.
There is a wire that connects XBOX 360 directly to monitor VGA port, with RCA audio out ports.
all you have to do is go out and buy that cable and get RCA to 3.5mm adapter and coupler to get sound.
Don't get HDMI for the monitor, as most monitors dont have built-in sound, even if they do,
it is very poor quality and nothing you would want to hear out of HD game system.

Can I play xbox 360 on my computer monitor?
Q. I have a Gateway FPD1975W TFT LCD Monitor, And I have a VGA port? I think in the back of my monitor, I have 2, One to the computer and one left alone, Im wondering if I get the xbox 360 VGA HD cable, if I plug it into the VGA port and go to the right input, Can i play it on my monitor?
I have a VGA cable that connects my monitor to my PC and a DVI. What if I buy a HDMI to DVI cable, Since my xbox have a HDMI thing to plug into

A. Yes, with a couple of restrictions:

1. For most monitors, you will not be able to see the Xbox dashboard because it is in a display mode (480i) that computer monitors cannot handle through their VGA connector.

2. For most monitors, you will not be able to play DVD�s, because DVD playback on the Xbox is also in 480i.

The following methods can be used to connect your Xbox to your monitor:

METHOD 1 (Restrictions noted above apply): Use the high-definition A/V pack and a component-to-RGB adapter like the model 9A62 from Audio Authority. This will provide high-definition gaming, at the expense of the Xbox dashboard and DVD playback, as noted above.

METHOD 2: If your computer�s video card (or your monitor) supports S-Video or composite video IN, you can hook the Xbox�s output to the computer�s (or monitor�s) input. Note that you will lose the ability to display high-resolution images with this setup (you are limited, more or less, to NTSC resolution, or approximately 640�480 interlaced). But you retain the ability to see the Xbox dashboard and to play DVDs.

METHOD 3: Use an aftermarket Xbox adapter product like the Redant VGA converter box. This product also limits you to NTSC resolution like method 2.

Note: There are third-party products advertised as providing full 480p VGA output. you can try searching on google for some of those.

METHOD 4: Send the Xbox video into a video capture card on your PC. This will limit your resolution and might make it difficult to get the Dolby Digital audio decoded, if you have a sound card that is DD capable.

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