Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

like to start a business that help people who are in need?

Q. I like to start a business that help people who are in need . I prefer the are of the business in Computer, Internet, Gaming or web ..

A. Technology is allowing for wireless Internet access, and services such as personalized user interface makes the sky the limit on what the Internet will offer in the future.

Is Heaven eternal or temporally? Would you be bored to spend the eternity in the same place?
Q. Just imagine not sleeping, eating, drinking, kissing and/or having sex. Say goodbye to your Computer, Internet, Videos games, Mp3 player, Television. Cell phone, Car, Bike, Sports Products. And spend the whole time praising and singing none-stop! With your eyes open for the rest of the eternity!

A. Heaven is eternal.
No. I can imagine not having the things you describe here. They would not satisfy me for eternity.

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