Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

What is the best way to teach my 10 year old how to create a computer game?

Q. My 10 year old is a pretty good student so he can probably grasp concepts slightly beyond his age. And like most kids, he has been playing computer/video games for a while now. He likes Runescape and Star Wars Lego II. He recently has expressed interest in creating his own game. I'd like to encourage this without overwhelming him with too advanced of a programming language. Logo seems out of date. Not sure what else is out there. An example game he would like to put together is a computer chess or checkers game with graphics. I was thinking of "Samuel's Checkers" for the strategy part. No clue on the graphics/language.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


A. Wow when I was 10 years old all I wanted to do was ride my bike and play games with my friends. Sounds like you've got a really smart kid.

What sorts of things do you allow your kids to keep in their bedrooms?
Q. TV? Computer? Video Games? Toys?

A. We have a play room downstairs and that is where the bigger TV and video game system. There is also the kid's desktop computer down there is as well as all the toys.

My older two who are 15 (twins) have a TV in their room and they each have their own mini laptops which they use for school work and surfing youtube etc...They mostly use them for school though to write papers etc... they also have a printer in their room. Other than that they have their beds, book shelves, desk and night stands. They keep their skateboards and helmets in their rooms as well.

My younger two (12 and 9) have a TV in their room, their beds, a shelf with some toys, mostly lego's, k'nex (things my youngest uses a lot) and a book shelf.

My kids rarely watch the TVs in their rooms. Only at night and weekends if there is something on they want to see and we are already watching something in the living room. Not just that but all my kids ever watch the history channel and discovery channel so I can't complain.

Honestly don't see the big deal. If a parent knows how to set limits and is involved with their kids then it shouldn't be a problem.

EDIT: Just wanted to add, I have a friend who says she will never let her son have a TV in his room and once told me she was surprised I allowed that. The funny thing is, her son sits on the couch in the living room and does nothing but watch TV from the time he gets home from school until he goes to bed. She even DVR's his shows for him so he doesn't have to watch commercials. So I guess she feels as long as he's a couch potatoe in the living room rather than his bedroom that makes it okay. Incidently, my kids rarely watch TV at all and they have one in their rooms! Like I said, it's parenting, not where the TV is.

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