Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Does washing your eyes after visual activities damage your eyesight?

Q. For example, playing computer games/watching TV/reading books for hours then taking a bath immediately afterwards. Will it damage my eyesight?

A. Despite what your parents tell you, playing computer games, watching TV, and reading books will not cause permanent damage to your eyes.

Taking a bath afterwards will also not hurt your eyes.

If you close your eyes and wash your face, that won't hurt anything.

If you're trying to wash your eyeballs, that isn't a good idea, no matter what you were doing before, unless you splashed a chemical into your eyes that needs to be rinsed out.

Do you think playing computer games helps depression or does it cause obsessiveness?
Q. An ad on tv said computer games can relieve stress. Do you agree or do you think it may lead to other problems?

A. Computer games can relieve stress for some people and cause stress for others.

They do not cause depression and do not cause obsessiveness, although they can become the target of obsessions. People who have depression will have it regardless of the games they play. People who are obsessive will have obsessions, if not a game, then something else.

Games can be either good or bad for a person, not because of any property intrinsic to the games, but because of what the player brings to the game.

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